

The Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research at the University of Helsinki is aimed at training professional researchers and academic scientists in the field of clinical medicine. The objective of the doctoral programme is to ensure that enrolled doctoral candidates develop the skills and competence necessary for independent research. The programme supports doctoral training in clinical medicine by advancing the expertise and knowledge in the following key areas:

  • studying epidemiology, etiology, clinical features, diagnostics, treatment and outcome, prevention and prognosis of diseases
  • critical evaluation and practical application of research results

Doctoral candidates enrolled in the Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research participate in a structured training environment encompassing basic and advanced courses in clinical medicine, as well as an extensive transferable skills curriculum provided by Doctoral School in Health Sciences (DSHealth). The doctoral programme supports integration clinical work with professional research training. The goal is to achieve the degree (Doctor of Medical Science, Doctor of Dental Science, or Doctor of Philosophy) from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki within a four-year net time period.

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.