

Turn­ing inter­disciplinary research into cut­ting-edge science

The global community is striving to counteract the loss of biodiversity in a number of ways. Our principal aim is to investigate successes and failures of these conservation approaches, and apply lessons learned to develop effective conservation strategies from local to global scale. We work with apparently diverse topics (from movement ecology of bats and rats to pollution impacts on indigenous peoples or human-carnivore conflicts) and in disparate settings (from remote Kenyan protected lands to back alleys in the city of Helsinki), yet what unites our research is a truly interdisciplinary approach. Applied conservation is our final aim, yet our work is based on strong fundamental ecological and social research, attending to theoretical and methodological developments. With a research philosophy rooted in integrating mixed methodologies, we focus our efforts on providing policy-relevant science of high societal impact. Read more on our website.

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.