• Postadress




Lammi Biological Station is one of the three field stations of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences and the largest university field station in Finland. The primary goals of the station are to promote academic research and education and at the same time serve as a bridge to facilitate communication and interaction with general public.

Station is host to many field courses, seminars, meetings and reseachers mostly in the field of biological and environmental sciences. Station offers facilities, equipment and support for research and also has its own projects both in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The main theme in the research is environmental change in boreal ecosystems. Find more information from www.helsinki.fi/lammi


  • 118 Biovetenskaper
  • 117 Geografi och miljövetenskaper

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.