- 1 - 25 av 125 resultat
“Finns also interested in the parasite drug used for the self-medication of”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“COVID drugs likely to be jointly procured in the EU“
2 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Timing really matters in the drug treatment of COVID”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
”Kari Tikkinen's group investigates infliximab and imatinib in the treatment of COVID - Solidarity delivers trustworthy information on COVID drugs”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“COVID-19 drugs are being introduced at a rapid pace – ‘the bar for drug authorities is too low’”
2 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“The United States is ready to pay hundreds of dollars for one COVID-19 drug regimen – COVID-19 drugs could help Finland a little, experts estimate”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
Rokotevastaisuus näkyy nyt sairaaloissa myös lääkevastaisuutena – osa kuitenkin katuu rokotteen ottamatta jättämistä
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
Molnupiraviiri voi olla hyvä uutinen koronan hoidossa tai sitten ei
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
Lääkeyhtiö kehitti suun kautta otettavan koronalääkkeen – Suomalaisprofessori: ”Lupaava, mutta näyttöä tarvitaan lisää”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Use of desmopressin in geriatric patients for the treatment of nocturia”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Two new drugs in the treatment of COVID patients are being researched in Tampere - interest in the second drug arose from a hopeful finding in rheumatic patients: “There has been a less severe form of the disease”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“The second phase of the global Solidarity trial began in Finland”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Finland's continuation in WHO COVID drug trial confirmed - the first Finns have already been recruited to test leukemia and rheumatic drugs”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
” TAYS will be the first to recruit for the second phase of global COVID trial - Towards the end of the year, it will be clear whether the drugs will benefit patients”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Finland was the first country to be admitted to the second phase of the WHO COVID drug trial”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Finland was the first country to be admitted to the second phase of the WHO COVID drug trial”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
How COVID broke the evidence pipeline – The pandemic stress-tested the way the world produces evidence – and revealed all the flaws
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Clinical guidelines improve patient care, and Kari Tikkinen’s team draws them based on their research”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
Interview for Yle TV1 channel program “Marja Sannikka” on “We eat too much pills”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Society's support for gym workouts rather than just a cholesterol drug - professor believes medicines for lifestyle diseases can be found elsewhere than in a jar”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“Anyone can buy a magnetic resonance for themselves – studies done without a doctor’s referral concerns the medical staff”
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
“In the face of the impossible - is there a cure for the COVID-19?
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
Research: The old gout drug colchicine seems to prevent the worsening of COVID-19
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
Preliminary results of colchicine for COVID-19 treatment needs confirmation
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media