Personlig profil


(2022- ) Vice-President of the European Society for the History of Political Thougth

(2018-2022) President of the European Society for the History of Political Thought

Associate Editor History of European Political and Constitutional Thought, Brill 

Adriana Luna-Fabritius studies early-modern languages of republicanism, natural law and political economy in the Spanish monarchy: Naples, Crown of Aragon and New Spain. Her research is grounded on the transformation of Spanish imperialism through scientific, legal and political practices of the communication networks of the Atlantic monarchy.


Special fields of interests: Languages of Natural Law; the Rule of Law;  Political Economy; Republicanism; Love of Country and Patriotism; Social History of the Body and Politics; Feminisms.


Latest Publications

Books and Edited Volumes  

Co-editor of the book with Ere Nokkala, Marten Seppel and Keith Tribe, Political Reason and the Language of Change: Reform and Improvement in Early Modern Europe, London and New York: Routledge, 2022.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius (ed.) The Concepts and the Projects of Reformation and Counterreformation in the Catholic Political Thought from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth centuries, Hispania Sacra, vol. LXVIII, January-June, 2016.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, Pablo Mijangos González and Rafael Rojas (eds.), De Cádiz al siglo XXI. Doscientos años de constitucionalismo en México e Hispanoamérica (1812-2012),Taurus-CIDE, 2012.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, and Ere Nokkala (eds.),  Finlandia, Istor, Revista Internacional de Historia, No. 48, CIDE, Mexico, 2012.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius and F. Sierhuis (eds.), Special Issue: The Passions in European Political Thought and Literature, 1600–1900', European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, vol 17, Issue 1, 2010.


Articles and book chapters (peer-reviewed)

With Ere Nokkala, Marten Seppel and Keith Tribe “Introduction: Reform and Improvement in Early Modern Europe” in Adriana Luna-Fabritius, Ere Nokkala, Marten Seppel and Keith Tribe (eds.), Political Reason and the Language of Change: Reform and Improvement in Early Modern Europe, London-New York: Routledge, 2022.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, Book chapter: “Reform and Utopia in Early-Modern Italian Political Economy: Historicising a Tension” in Adriana Luna-Fabritius, Ere Nokkala, Marten Seppel and Keith Tribe (eds.), Political Reason and the Language of Change: Reform and Improvement in Early Modern Europe, Routledge London-New York: Routledge 2022.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius “Uses of Grotian strategies in early-modern Neapolitan Political Thought 1650-1750” in Hans Blom (ed.), Sacred Polities: Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th and 17th centuries, Leiden: Brill, 2022.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "The Crisis of the Spanish Monarchy and the Renewal of the Foundations of Early-Modern Neapolitan Political Thought: The Nation as a New Political Actor” in Cesare Cuttica and László Kontler (eds.), Crisis and Renewal in the History of Political Thought, Leiden: Brill, History of European Political and Constitutional Thought series, 2021.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, “Signs of Happiness: A Proposal for a New Spanish Empire”, in Philipp Rössner (ed.), The Political Economy of Happiness: Cameralism, Capitalism and the Making of the Modern Economic Mind, History of Political Economy, 2021.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Per una definizione del potere legislativo: sulla possibilità di un linguaggio liberale condiviso tra Napoli ed Spagna nella età moderna”, in Anna Maria Rao (ed.), Diciottesimo Secolo. Rivista Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII. 2020, 5, 69–80.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Pufendorf’s Sociability in (Italian) Translation”, in Koen Stapelbroek, Heikki Haara, and Miko Immanen (eds.), Passions and the Limits of Society. Helsinki Yearbook of Intellectual History, Germany: De Gruyter, 2020.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "'Cameralism in Spain Polizeywissenschaft and the Bourbon Reforms", in Cameralism and the Enlightenment Happiness, Governance and Reform in Transnational Perspective, Edited By Ere Nokkala, Nicholas B. Miller, 2020.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Limits of Power: Gaetano Filangieri’s Liberal Legacy," Pléyade, 20, 2017.

Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "The Secularization of Happiness in Early Eighteenth-century Italian Political Thought: Revisiting the Foundations of Civil Society", in László Kontler and Mark Somos (eds.), Trust and Happiness in the History of European Political Thought, Brill, 2017.
Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Neither Scholastics nor Jansenists: Moral Philosophy in the Naples of the Counter-Reformation Era, "Hispania Sacra, LXVIII, 137 January-June 2016.
Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Cadiz's Liberalism in European Context", in Il Pensiero Politico Rivista di Storia delle Idee Politiche e Sociali, 2015, 1-2 (gennaio-agosto),  2015/1-2 (gennaio-agosto) a. 48 Numero doppio: La democrazia in Europa: due secoli di dibattito politico. Studi in memoria di Salvo Mastellone.
Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Modernidad y drogas desde una perspectiva histórica," Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, vol. 60, Num. 225, (2015), UNAM, Mexico.

Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "El Modelo Constitucional Napolitano en Hispanoamerica", in  Adriana Luna-Fabritius, Pablo Mijangos y González y Rafael Rojas (eds.), De Cádiz al siglo XXI. Doscientos años de Constitucionalismo en México e Hispanoamérica (1812-2012) , Taurus-CIDE, 2012. Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas A.C.p. 123-152.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Defining the borders for an Interpretation of the Concept of Liberalism in Cadiz's Constitutional Moment 1810-1812", Working Paper: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas CIDE, 2011. 78p. 1-24.



Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "El surgimiento de la Escuela de Economía Política Napolitana", Working Paper: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas,  CIDE, 2010, pp. 1-24. 


Adriana Luna-Fabritius & Freya Sierhuis, "Introduction" to The Passions in European Political Thought and Literature, 1600–1900 Numero Special, European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2010

Adriana Luna-Fabritius, '"Passions and the early Italian Enlightenment: human nature and Vivere Civile in the thought of Gregorio Caloprese," European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2010 Special Issue: The Passions in European Political Thought and Literature, 1600–1900.
Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Naturaleza humana y 'amor propio' descifrando el lenguaje de la jurisprudencia natural en Cádiz." Revista internacional de filosofía política, ISSN 1132-9432, Nº 32, 2008 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Iberoamérica : una herencia política comun) , págs. 24-36


Book Reviews


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Report on the agrarian law (1795) and other writings," The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2020.

DOI: 10.1080/09672567.2020.1720366


 Latest Activities


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Two Visions of Catholic Monarchism in Eighteenth Century Italian Political Thought: Antonio Muratori and Antonio Genovesi"  Conference ‘Monarchy & Modernity since 1500’, Cambridge University 8-9 January 2019.


Adriana Luna-Fabritius, "Vis­ions of So­ci­ab­il­ity in Early-Mod­ern Neapol­itan Polit­ical Thought", Centre for Intellectual HistoryUniversity of Helsinki, 18 December 2018.




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