Personlig profil

Information om forskning och undervisning

In my PhD project I have used citizen science to create information on the aesthetic value of all the bird species to humans. I use this new data set to understand the role of the aesthetics of birds in different biodiversity conservation issues such as wildlife trade. The work is supervised by Aleksi Lehikoinen and Andrea Santangeli and  funded by the Kone Foundation. I have a background in ecology, geography, and pedagogics. I’m in general interested in biodiversity conservation and especially in human interactions with their environment and other species. In my MSc thesis I studied the impacts of climatic conditions and soil type on the phenology of plants in South Africa. In addition to research, I'm experienced in the field of nature and environmental education.

Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation

Geography, Geography, 60 ECTS, Matematisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten

Tilldelningsdatum: 20 juni 2017

Educational Science, Subject teacher training, pedagogical studies 60 ECTS, Pedagogiska fakulteten

Tilldelningsdatum: 10 aug. 2016

Environmental and Ecological Sciences, MSc, Bio- och miljövetenskapliga fakulteten

Tilldelningsdatum: 5 juni 2013

Environmental and Ecological Sciences, BSc, Bio- och miljövetenskapliga fakulteten

Tilldelningsdatum: 31 juli 2008

Externa befattningar

Visiting researcher, Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo


  • 1181 Ekologi, evolutionsbiologi
  • 1172 Miljövetenskap