Forskningsresultat per år
Forskningsresultat per år
Forskningsoutput per år
1. Full name and date
Häkkinen, Antti
2. Address
Economic and Social History
P.O.-Box 54,
Fi-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Telephone: +358 2941 24833
3. Education and degrees awarded
Master of Social Science, 1986, University of Helsinki
Licentiate in Political Science, 1992, University of Helsinki
Doctor of Political Science, 1995, University of Helsinki
Docent in Social History, 1997, University of Helsinki
Master thesis: "Tervaa - viljaa - amerikanpasseja. Tutkielma eteläpohjalaisen tervatalouden, maatalouden ja siirtolaisuuden yhteyksistä 1800-luvulla". [Tar, Corn and Passports. The Causes of Finnish American Emigration], 1986.
Licentiate thesis: "Rikos, rikollinen ja oikeus 1800-luvun Suomessa" [The Crime, the Criminal and the Court in Finland in the 19th Century], 1989.
Doctoral thesis: "Rahasta – vaan ei rakkaudesta. Prostituutio Helsingissä 1867–1939" [For money, not for love. Prostitution in Helsinki 1867–1939], 1995.
6. Current position:
Senior Lecturer at the Economic and Social History, University of Helsinki from Jan 1st, 2012.
7. Previous work experiences:
Research assistant in the project “The Commercialization of Farming in Finland”, from Sep 6th 1983 to February 15th 1985.
Research assistant and researcher in the project “Studies in Finland’s Economic Growth”, from Apr 15th 1985 to Mar 27th 1987.
Researcher in the project “The Years of Famine in the 1860s: the state of mind and the ways of action among the population” from Sep 21st 1987 to Oct 22nd 1992.
Researcher in the project “Blue and Black Blood. The Encounters between Different Social Classes from the Estate Society to the Welfare State”, Jan 4th 1993 to Feb 29th 1996.
Researcher in the project “The Social History of Vagrancy in Finland” from Jan 1st 1996 to Dec 31st 1997. (Grant)
Researcher and project leader in the project: “From the Great Famine Years to the Recession of the 1990s: The Social History of Finnish Economic Crises” from Jan 1st 1998 to Dec 31st 2001.
Researcher and project leader in the project “Ethnicity and Marginalisation in Twentieth Century Finland” from Jan 1st to 2001 Dec 31st 2003.
Senior Researcher and Advisor in the project “Health Promotion as Ideology, Policy and Practice in Finland 1900–2000” from Jan 1st 2002 to Dec 31st 2007.
Senior Researcher in the project “Managing social capital in a changing economy: Communities, neighbourhoods and associations in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Finland” from Jan 1st 2004 to Jul 30th 2004.
Acting Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki from Aug 1st 2004 to Jul 30th 2006.
Senior Researcher in the project “Managing social capital in a changing economy: Communities, neighbourhoods and associations in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Finland” from Aug 1st 2006 to Jul 30th 2007.
Subproject leader in the consortium “Eating patterns among conscripts in the Finnish Defence Forces: Exploring formation of food choices and intervening to promote healthy life-style” from Jan 1st, 2007 to Dec 31st, 2012.
Acting Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki from Aug 1st, 2007 to Jul 30th, 2008.
Academy Research Fellow in an own project “Ten Generations – Three Hundred Years: A Finnish History as Family Stories” between Aug 1st, 2008 and 31st Jul 2013.
Visiting professor at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Canada from Sep 1st 2009 to May 30th 2010.
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki from Aug 1st, 2013 to Jul 30th, 2016.
Acting professor at the Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki from Aug 1st, 2016 to Jul 30th, 2018.
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki since Aug 1st, 2018.
8. Research funding as well as leadership and supervision
Project “The Social History of Vagrancy in Finland” from Jan 1st 1996 to Dec 31st 1997, financed by the Kone foundation.
Project “From the Great Famine Years to the Recession of the 1990s: The Social History of Finnish Economic Crises” from Jan 1st 1998 to Dec 31st 2001, financed by the Academy of Finland.
Project “Ethnicity and Marginalisation in Twentieth Century Finland” from Jan 1st to 2001 Dec 31st 2003, financed by the Academy of Finland.
Subproject “Eating patterns among conscripts in the Finnish Defence Forces: Exploring formation of food choices and intervening to promote healthy life-style” from Jan 1st, 2007 to Dec 31st, 2012, financed by the Academy of Finland.
Visiting professor’s grant at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Canada from Sep 1st 2009 to May 30th 2010.
Academy research fellow project “Ten Generations – Three Hundred Years: A Finnish History as Family Stories” between Aug 1st, 2008 and 31st Jul 2013, financed by the Academy of Finland.
Project “Ten Generations – Three Hundred Years: A Finnish History as Family Stories”, between 1st Jan 2009 and Dec 31, 2013.
Project ”Suurkaupungin kerrostumat” since Jan, 1st, 2015, financed by the University of Helsinki.
Supervised doctoral thesis:
Salasuo, Mikko, Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki, defended his doctoral thesis 2004.
Hannikainen, Matti, Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki, defended his doctoral thesis 2005.
Saaritsa, Sakari, Department of History and Civilisation, European University Institute, defended his doctoral thesis on January 2008.
Suoranta, Anu, Department of Political History, University of Turku, defended her doctoral thesis on February 2008.
Virkkunen, Gia, Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki, defended her doctoral thesis on October 2010.
Tervonen, Miika, Department of History and Civilisation, European University Institute, defended his doctoral thesis on December 2010.
Rautavirta, Kaija, Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, University of Helsinki, defended her doctoral thesis on June 2010.
Ekholm Laura, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki, defended her doctoral thesis on October 2013.
Ojajärvi, Anni, Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki. Defended her doctoral thesis on October 2013.
Naarminen (Lappalainen), Niina, Department of Cultural Research, University of Helsinki. Defended her doctoral thesis on January 2018.
Toivanen, Tero, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki. Defended his doctoral thesis on November 2018.
Lindgren, Susanne (+), Åbo Akademi. The doctoral thesis were published in March 2014.
Kauranen, Kaisa, Economic and Social History, University of Helsinki.
Mikkonen (Riihola), Maiju, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki.
Enbom, Leena, Economic and Social History, University of Helsinki.
Keski-Petäjä, Miina, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki.
Forsberg, Henrik, Economic and Social History, University of Helsinki.
Kilpi, Joel, Economic and Social History, University of Helsinki
9. Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence (if required, complement by submitting a teaching portfolio)
English for Fluency, Intermediate-High to Advanced Level Jan 27th 2009 – Apr 21st 2009, University of Helsinki.
Teaching through English May 15th 2009 – May 29th 2009, University of Helsinki.
English Suggestopedic Course Jul 13th 2009 – Jul 17th 2009, Summer School in Helsinki.
Several events in teaching organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
Managing teaching:
Membership of the management team of the Department of Social and Economic History 1992-1994.
Membership of the management team of the Department of Social Science History in 2000 and a temporary post in the same organ in 1998-1999.
Membership of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2003 and a temporary post in 2001-2002.
Membership of the Council of Teaching in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2005-2006.
Membership of the Council of Entrance Examination in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2006-2008.
Membership of the Council of Post Graduate Studies and Research in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2007-2008.
I was awarded for teaching technology improvements in 2000 by the University of Helsinki.
Demonstration lessons
For the senior lecturer at the University of Jyväskylä in Apr 14th 2007, “excellent skills”
For the senior lecturer at the University of Helsinki in Nov 21st 2011, “excellent skills”
11. Other academic merits
Duties as opponent of a doctoral dissertation:
Sillanpää, Merja, University of Tampere, 2001.
Satokangas, Reija, University of Oulu, 2004.
Saaritsa, Sakari, European University Institute, 2008.
Saarimäki, Pasi, University of Jyväskylä, 2010
Tervonen, Miika, European University Institute, 2010.
Myllykangas, Mikko, University of Oulu, 2014.
Duties as pre-examinerof a doctoral dissertation:
Uimonen, Minna, University of Helsinki, 1999.
Laakkonen, Simo, University of Helsinki, 2000.
Rajala, Juha, University of Tampere, 2003.
Satokangas, Reija, University of Oulu, 2004.
Peltola, Jarmo, University of Tampere, 2004.
Paaskonen, Leena, University of Helsinki, 2007.
Haanpää, Riina, University of Turku, 2008.
Lybeck, Jari, University of Turku, 2011.
Uotila, Merja, University of Jyväskylä, 2014.
Anttila, Erkko, University of Helsinki, 2014.
Voutilainen, Miikka, University of Jyväskylä, 2016.
Ratz, David, University of Oulu, 2018.
Ahonen, Jukka, University of Helsinki, 2018.
Memberships and positions of trust in scientific and scholarly societies:
Membership of the management team of the Department of Economic and Social History 1992-1994.
A substitute membership of the management team of the Department of Social Science History 1998-1999.
Membership of the management team of the Department of Social Science History in 2000.
A substitute membership of the council of the Faculty of Social Sciences 2001-2002.
Membership of the council of the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2004.
Membership of the election college of the University of Helsinki in 2003.
A Trade Union Award in 2004.
A representative of the staff in the Faculty Meetings 2004-2009.
Membership of the council of evaluating the administrative issues in the University of Helsinki 200-2005.
Membership of the Council of Teaching in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2005-2006.
Membership of the Council of Entrance Examination in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2006-2008.
Membership of the Council of Post Graduate Studies and Research in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2007-2008.
Membership of a council evaluating the state of the history science in Finland, organized by the Finnish Academy in 2011.
Member of international peer evaluation committees of funding applications (e.g. European Research Council):
Membership in the steering committee of the European Science Foundation in Research Networking Programme “European Historical Population Samples Network” (EHPS-NET)
Other activities:
An external researcher in The Finnish Centre of Excellence in Historical Research. I have regularly participated in national and international conferences (e.g. CoE History, ESSHC and WEHC) as a keynote speaker, speaker, organizer or commentator. I am a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Historical Life Course Studies and I have reviewed manuscripts for journals (e.g. Historiallinen Aikakauskirja, Suomen Historiallinen Seura, and the History of the Family).
I have been in charge of four research projects and worked as a senior adviser in two others. Between 2007 and 2008 I was a member of the Council of Post Graduate Studies and Research in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
In the Academy of Finland I was named as a member of the management group in the research programme on Marginalization, Inequality and Ethnic Relations.
International activities:
For the academic year 2009-2010 I was designated as the Finnish Chair to the Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Canada.
12. Scientific and societal impact of research
The most important publications:
”Nälkäkriisi-Suomi kansainvälisen avun kohteena” [Finland and international aid in the 1860s], with Andrew G. Newby in Juhani Koponen and Sakari Saaritsa (eds.) Kiinniottoja – kehitysmaa-Suomi, Vastapaino (Forthcoming).
“Nälkävuodet, perheyhteisö ja kuoleman kuvat” [Famine, Family life and death], teoksessa Pajari, Ilona (toim). Suomalaisen kuoleman historia, SKS (in print)
“The Inheritance of a Good Life: How the Ideals of the Good Life Have Been Negotiated and Transmitted Between Generations in Finland and Canada” in Families, Values, and the Transfer of Knowledge in Northern Societies, 1500–2000. Aatsinki, U., Annola, J. & Kaarninen, M. (eds.). Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, 20 p. (Routledge Studies in Cultural History).
“The Great Famine of the 1860’s in Finland: An important turning point or setback?”
Häkkinen, A. K. O., Journal of Finnish studies. 21, 1&2, 2018, p. 158-179 22 p.
“Generations, Social Homogamy, and Stratification in Finland, 1700-1910” in History of the Family, yhdessä Petri Roikosen kanssa, 2018.
”Elämänkulku esiteollisessa yhteiskunnassa (1700–1900)” [Life course in the pre-industrial society (1700-1900)], in Haapala, Pertti (ed.) Suomen rakennehistoria: Näkökulmia muutokseen ja jatkuvuuteen (1400–2000), Tampere: Vastapaino 2018, 114-141.
“From Bush to Bay Street: The Finnish Community of Thunder Bay as Memories, Narratives and Experiences” in Michel Beaulieu, David K. Ratz and Ron Harpelle (eds.) Hard Work Conquers all: Buildning the Finnish Community in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017, pp. 206-225.
“Afterword” in Journal of Finnish Studies special number: Poverty of a Beggar and a Nobleman: Experiencing and Encountering Impoverishment in the Nineteenth-Century Finland, 1/2017, 275-279.
“Aika näyttää. Nuoret, hyvän elämän määrittelyt ja sukupolvien katkeilevat ketjut”, yhdessä Mikko Salasuon kanssa teoksessa Myllyniemi, Sami (toim.) Katse tulevaisuudessa. Nuorisobarometri 2016. Valtion nuorisoneuvosto ja Nuorisotutkimusseura, Helsinki 2017, s. 177-191.
“Methodological challenges of life course analysis in historical demography”, in Matthijs, K., Hin, S., Kok., J., and Matsuo, H. (eds.) The future of historical demography. Upside down and inside out. Leuven: Acco 2016, s. 110-113.
“Sukupolvet ja hyvä elämä” [Generations and good life] with Mikko Salasuo in Myllyniemi, Sami (ed.) Arjen jäljillä. Nuorisobarometri 2015. Valtion nuorisoneuvosto ja Nuorisotutkimusseura 2016, s. 183-192.
“Finland’s ’famine years’ of the 1860s: a nineteenth century percpective” with Henrik Forsberg in Declan Curran, Ludomyr Luciuk and Andrew G. Newby (eds.) Famines in European Economic History. The last great European famines reconsidered. New York: Routledge 2015, pp. 99–123.
”Kaupungin reunoilla: helsinkiläistä alamaailmaa etsimässä” [On the wrong side of the track: Looking for the social underclass in Helsinki], in Antti Häkkinen & Mikko Salasuo (eds.) Salattu, hävetty, vaiettu – miten tutkia piilossa olevia ilmiöitä. Tampere: Vastapaino 2015, pp. 21–50.
”Yhteiskuntahistoriallisten aineistojen keruusta, tallentamisesta ja jatkokäytöstä” [On the collecting, saving and utilizing of social science history data], in Ketola, Antti & Raimo Lahti (eds.) Ihmistieteellisten tutkimusaineistojen jatkokäyttö ja tietosuoja. Helsingin yliopiston oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta, Forum Iuris 2014, pp. 129–133.
”Vuosisadat, sukupolvet, elämänkulut: merkitysten analysoimisesta toiminnan tutkimiseen” [Centuries, generations, and life histories: from understanding meanings to study actions], in Hannikainen, Matti (ed.) Väki Voimakas 27 2014. Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura, pp. 13–35.
”’Kun yhteiskunta tuli kylään’: nuorisosukupolvien erilaiset yhteiskuntakohtaamiset ja –kokemukset” [Meeting the society: young generations and society], in Nuoruuden sukupolvet: monitieteisiä näkökulmia nuoruuteen eilen ja tänään. Vehkalahti, K. & Suurpää, L. (eds.). Helsinki: Nuorisotutkimusseura Nuorisotutkimusverkosto, Helsinki 2014, pp. 32–56 .
”Suomalaiset sukupolvet, elämänkulku ja historia – sukupolvesta sukupolveen” [The Finnish Generations, life course and history – from generation to generation], in Sosiaalinen albumi: elämäntavat sukupolvien murroksessa. Häkkinen, A., Salasuo, M. A., Puuronen, A. & Ojajärvi, A. (eds.) Helsinki 2013. Nuorisotutkimusseura Nuorisotutkimusverkosto, pp. 21–55.
“Johan Adolf Kock: elämänkulkuanalyysi ja historia” [Johan Adolf Kock: The life course analysis and history] in Historiallinen aikakauskirja, 4/2012, pp. 378–389.
”Suomen 1860-luvun nälkäkatastrofi – syitä ja seurauksia”. [The Great Finnish Famine in the 1860s: causes and aftermaths] Duodecim 12/2012, s. 2425–30.
“The Finish civil war of 1918: a national catastrophe that might have been avoided.” Journal of Finnish studies. Toronto, University of Toronto, Finnish Studies Program, 12 (2008):2, pp. 5-25.
”Kiertävät kulkijat, nimittelykäytännöt ja sosiaalinen pääoma” [Mobile workers, naming practises and social capital] in Jarkko Keskinen and Kari Teräs (eds.) Luottamus, sosiaalinen pääoma, historia, Turun historiallinen yhdistys 2008, Historia mirabilis 5, pp. 174–204.
”Elämää kahdessa Suomessa: noustiinko nälkärajan yläpuolelle?” [Life in the divided country: When hunger was beated?], in Miia Pesonen and Harri Westermarck (eds.) Demokratian haasteet: eduskunta 100 vuotta. Helsinki, Helsingin yliopiston vapaan sivistystyön toimikunta, Studia Generalia 2006, pp. 41–51.
”Suomi, johon suuret ikäluokat syntyivät” [Baby-boom and the Finnish Society in the 1940s] with Pirkko Leino-Kaukiainen and Eila Linnanmäki in Antti Karisto (ed.) Suuret ikäluokat. Tampere, Vastapaino 2005, pp. 61–91.
”Kiertäminen, kulkeminen ja toiseuden kohtaaminen 1800-luvun lopun ja 1900-luvun alun maalaisyhteisöissä” [Mobile occupations and encounting in the 19th and 20th century Finland], in Antti Häkkinen, Panu Pulma and Miika Tervonen (eds.), Vieraat kulkijat – tutut talot: Näkökulmia etnisyyden ja köyhyyden historiaan Suomessa. Historiallinen arkisto 120, Helsinki, SKS 2005, pp. 225–262.
”Johdanto: Köyhyys, etnisyys ja etniset suhteet Suomessa 1900-luvulla” [Introduction: Ethnicity and marginalisation in twentieth century Finland] with Miika Tervonen, in Antti Häkkinen, Panu Pulma and Miika Tervonen (eds.), Vieraat kulkijat – tutut talot: Näkökulmia etnisyyden ja köyhyyden historiaan Suomessa. Historiallinen arkisto 120, Helsinki, SKS 2005, pp. 7-36.
”Köyhyys ja työttömyys Suomessa 1860–2000” [Poverty and unemployment in Finland 1860–2000] with Jarmo Peltola, in Antti Häkkinen, Panu Pulma and Miika Tervonen (eds.), Vieraat kulkijat – tutut talot: Näkökulmia etnisyyden ja köyhyyden historiaan Suomessa. Historiallinen arkisto 120, Helsinki, SKS 2005, pp. 39-94.
“Poverty and the social underclass during Finnish industrialization” in Between Sociology and History: Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and Nation-Building, Castrén, Anna-Maija, Markku Lonkila and Matti Peltonen (eds.), SKS, Helsinki 2004, pp. 148-161.
“Ethnicity, Marginalization and Poverty in 20th-Century Finland with Miika Tervonen in Puuronen, Vesa, Antti Häkkinen, Anu Pylkkänen, Tom Sandlund and Reetta Toivanen (eds), Welfare Society at Risk: Inequality, Social Exclusion and Ethnic Relations in Finland in the 1990s, Publications of Karelian Institute 142, University of Joensuu 2004, pp. 22–39.
”Pula ja köyhyys Iisalmen maalaiskunnassa ja Alavudella 1930-luvulla” [The Great Depression and poverty in Iisalmi and Alavus] in Lama: näkökulmia 1990-luvun talouskriisiin ja sen historiallisiin konteksteihin, Blomberg, Helena, Matti Hannikainen and Pauli Kettunen (eds.), Kirja-Aurora, Turku 2003, pp. 129–168.
”Kieltolakirikollisuuden sosiaaliset verkostot Helsingissä 1929–30” [Networks of the organized crime of the prohibition in Helsinki 1929–30], Sakari Saaritsa and Kari Teräs (eds.) Työväen verkostot. Väki voimakas 16, Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura, 2003, pp. 190–214.
”Naisten työnteon ja toimeentulon tutkimuksesta” [On the study of womens work], in ”Työllä ei oo kukkaan rikastunna” Naisten töitä ja toimeentulokeinoja 1800- ja 1900-luvulla, Rahikainen, Marjatta ja Riitta Oittinen (toim.), SKS, Tietolipas 176, Helsinki 2001, pp. 7-16.
“On the Social History of Employment and Poverty in Finland” with Jarmo Peltola in “Down from the heavens, up from the ashes. The Finnish economic crisis of the 1990s in the light of economic and social research”, Jorma Kalela, Jaakko Kiander, Ullamaija Kivikuru, Heikki A. Loikkanen and Jussi Simpura, Helsinki: Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus 2001, VATT-julkaisuja 27:6, pp. 309-345.
“Conflict, Social Action and Social History”, Ethnologia Fennica, Finnish Studies in Ethnology”, March 2000, pp. 6-21.
”’Oletteko te se sama Kokki?’ Johan Adolf Kockin elämänkulku” [’Are you the same Kokki. The life-course of Johan Adolf Kock], in ”Keulakuvia ja peränpitäjiä: Vanhan ja uuden yhteiskunnan rajalla”, Riitta Oittinen ja Marjatta Rahikainen (toim.), Suomen Historiallinen Seura, Helsinki, 2000, pp. 289–309.
”Helsinkiläinen alaluokka ja alamaailma” [Underclass and underworld in Helsinki], in “Pääkaupungin kuva: Luentoja Helsingin historiasta”, toim. Otto Mattsson ja Milka Sunell, Helsingin kaupunginmuseo, Memoria 14, Helsinki 2000, pp. 107–127.
”Clients of Prostitutes: A Historical Perspective of Finland” in “Who’s buying? The Clients of Prostitution”, Laura Keeler and Marjut Jyrkinen (eds.), Publications on Equality 1999:4, pp.13–24.
”Samhällets bottenskikt: Om den helsingforsiska subkulturens historia” [The history of the underclass in Helsinki], Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, vol. 83, 1998:2, pp. 308-335.
”Rikkaiden pojat ja köyhien tyttäret, Helsingin vanha prostituutiokulttuuri” [Sons of the rich, daughter of the poor: The old prostitution culture in Helsinki], in “Matkoja moderniin: Lähikuvia ihmisistä ja yhteisöistä”, toim. Rahikainen, Marjatta, SHS, 1997, pp. 73–92.
”Maksettua rakkautta, prostituutiokulttuuria Helsingissä 1860-luvulta nykypäivään” [Love for money: the history of the prostitution in Helsinki], in Huono-osaisuus ja hyvinvointivaltion muutos, toim, Heikkilä, Matti & Kari Vähätalo, Gaudeamus, Tampere 1994, pp. 90–127.
”Vaikuttivatko väärät hätäaputoimet vuosien 1867–1868 suureen kuolleisuuteen” [Was the wrong poor relief policy a causal factor behind the high mortality rate in the 1860s], in “Pane leipään puolet petäjäistä” – Nälkä- ja pulavuodet Suomen historiassa, Suomen historian julkaisuja 19, Jyväskylä 1994, pp. 62–82.
“Introduction” in Häkkinen, Antti (ed.) Just a Sack of Potatoes? Crisis Experiences in European Societies, Past and Present. SHS, Hanko 1992, pp. 9-16.
“On attitudes and living strategies in the Finnish Countryside in the years of famine 1867-68″ in Häkkinen, Antti (ed.) Just a Sack of Potatoes? Crisis Experiences in European Societies, Past and Present. SHS, Hanko 1992, pp. 149–166.
”Nälkä, valta ja kylä 1867–1868” [Hunger, power and village], in Haapala, Pertti (ed.) Talous, valta ja valtio, Tutkimuksia 1800-luvun Suomesta. SHS, Helsinki 1990, pp. 111–130.
”Nälkä punikkina? Huonot ajat ja poliittinen aktiivisuus” [Hunger and political radicalism] in Peltonen, Matti (ed.) Arki ja murros, Tutkielmia keisarinajan Suomesta. SHS, Jyväskylä 1990, pp. 423–444.
”Johdanto” [Introduction] in Häkkinen, Antti (ed.) Vähäväkisten Helsinkiä, Artikkeleita köyhien elämästä ja olosuhteista vuosisadanvaihteen Helsingissä., Helsingin yliopiston talous- ja sosiaalihistorian laitoksen tiedonantoja Numero 22/1989, Helsinki 1989, pp. 5-10.
”Siirtolaisuus Ylistarossa vuosina 1900-1930” [American emigration from Ylistaro 1900-1930] in Ilmanen, Kalervo (ed.) Kansanliikkeitten Pohjanmaa, Tutkielmia joukkoluonteisista liikkeistä Etelä-Pohjanmaalla Ylistaroa koskevan aineiston pohjalta. Oikeushistoriallisia julkaisuja 2/1981, Helsinki 1981, pp. 21–52
13. Positions of trust in society and other societal merits
Membership of a student union board 1975-76
Membership of the board of the Student Union of Helsinki University 1978-79
Membership of the board of the Academic Researcher’s Trade Union 1986-1996, 2000-2002.
A Shop Steward at the University of Helsinki since 2011-2017
A Chairperson of the Finnish Youth Research Society Board since Jan 1st, 2015.
Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig
Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Häkkinen, A. (Projektledare)
01/01/2014 → …
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Seppälä, M.-O. (Deltagare), Lappalainen, H. (Deltagare), Kervanto Nevanlinna, A. (Deltagare), Häkkinen, A. (Deltagare) & Olsson, P. (Deltagare)
01/01/2015 → 31/12/2015
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Newby, A. (!!Invited speaker), Häkkinen, A. (!!Invited speaker), Forsberg, H. (!!Invited speaker), Voutilainen, M. (!!Invited speaker), Ó Gráda , C. (!!Invited speaker) & Eloranta, J. (!!Speaker)
Aktivitet: Typer för tal eller presentation › !!Oral presentation
Häkkinen, A. (Ordförande i organisationskommitté)
Aktivitet: Typer för deltagande i eller organisering av evenemang › Arrangemang av och deltagande i konferens/workshop/kurs/seminarium
Häkkinen, A. (!!Speaker)
Aktivitet: Typer för tal eller presentation › !!Oral presentation
Häkkinen, A. (Referentgranskare)
Aktivitet: Typer för peer review av output och redaktionsarbete › Referentgranskning av manuskript
Häkkinen, A. (Talare: Presentation) & Alenius, K. (Talare: Presentation)
Aktivitet: Typer för deltagande i eller organisering av evenemang › Arrangemang av och deltagande i konferens/workshop/kurs/seminarium