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Direktor, Hab., Academy Research Fellow 2014-2019
Forskningsoutput per år
Further, I am the Principal Investigator of an individual grant research project “Protolesbian Life History and Nationalist Sentiment in the 1920-30s Finland”, funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation 2019-2024.
I was the Director of a 4-year Academy of Finland Research Project "CoreKin - Contrasting and Re-imagining Margins of Kinship" (2016-2020).
Previously, I was the Principal Investigator of the 5-year Research Project "Wills and Inheritance Arrangements in Sexually Marginalised Groups", in which I worked as an Academy of Finland Research Fellow (2014-2019). In this project, I conducted 2 big international surveys and numerous interviews.
In 2020, I will publish a book on Queer Wills and Inheritance Arrangements by Palgrave MacMillan (book contract signed).
I am a participant PIs also and a member of the steering committee in the Nordic Research Network funded research network “Transforming Identities”, directed by Dr. Elisabeth Engebretsen (2018-2020).
Previously, I was an ILAS - Institute on Liberal Arts and Sciences Award Fellow at the University of Keele in Nov-Dec 2017, hosted by Professor Marie-Andree Jacob at the Keele Law School.
Further, I was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Södertörn, Sweden (3 months, 15Feb-14May 2017, CBEES), and a participant PI of the Baltic Sea Foundation funded research project "Queer(y)ing Kinship in the Baltic Region", directed by the Ass. Prof. Ulrika Dahl (Uppsala Gender Studies) and co-PI Prof. Joanna Mizielinska (Academy of Sciences, Poland).
Currently, I am planning a research project initiative with Dr. Paul Boyce (Sussex University) on Queer Grief.
Academy Research Project Website:
Academy Fellow Project Web-site:
Transforming Identities Website:
The Baltic Sea Foundation Project website:
The 5-year research individual research project on queer wills and inheritance started 1st of September 2014 and was completed 31th August 2019. I started the study on this topic first as an Ernhrooth Foundation Grant Researcher (1.9.-31.12.2013), and continued it with the Kone Foundation Experienced Researcher Grant (1.1.2014-31.8.2014).
My Postdoctoral Researcher project "Politics of the Pedophile" was funded by the Academy of Finland (2010-2012).
I have been a postdoctoral researcher also in the centre of Excellence on Political Thought and Conceptual Change, research team Politics of Philosophy and Gender in 2006-2010, and in the Academy of Finland funded research project PornoAcademy in 2005-2007.
I have been collaborating closely with Dr. Ulrika Dahl’s Baltic Sea Foundation funded research project Queer(y)ing kinship in the Baltic Region, Dr. Joanna Mizielinska’s Polish Academy of Sciences funded research project Families of Choice in Poland, and with various British and Nordic research networks in the fields of kinship, law and sexuality, socio-legal studies, queer theory and gender studies.
I am a member of various international research associations (i.e. Law, Culture and the Humanities/US). I am a regular contributor of the Allegra Lab on Law and Anthropology, and a board member of SQS - The Finnish Society for Queer Studies.
Expertise fields: Wills and Inheritance; Kinship; Gender Studies; Queer Theory; Law, Gender and Sexuality; Queer Kinship; ProtoQueer; Lesbian History; Intimacy; Sexual Criminal Law; Cultural Anthropology; QueerGrief; Alternative Pedagogies; Decency; Conceptual Changes; Queer Criminology; Politics of Pedophilia; The Figure of Child; Pornography in Culture.
I publish and teach on these topics also in Art Universities and Art Schools.
Active profiles in social media:
- Facebook:
- Linkedin:
- Twitter:
- Research Gate:
* Project YouTube Channel QueerWills:
* BlogSite QueerPain:
Full name: Antu (Anna Maria) Sorainen
Date of writing the CV: 30 January 2020
Expertise: I specialized in sexuality, gender and law, publishing widely on queer history, kinship, inheritance, gentrification and alternative pedagogies. I am merited in collaborating at a recognized level with top-level foreign scholars, in particular in the Nordic and Baltic area and in the UK; directing large projects; amassing international and national research project funding; organizing international PhD courses with cutting edge teachers; developing practices to include ethics in teaching and research, and methods to enhance learning through combining theory, empirical research and art. My engagement with these debates inspires my research as I have a vital interest to novel cross-field approaches, publishing and pedagogical work.
2. Date and place of birth, nationality, current residence
Date and place of birth: 2 June 1963, Pori
Citizenship: Finnish
Current residence: Kaarlenkatu 12a10, 00530 Helsinki, Finland.
Academic residence: Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts, Unit of Cultures, P.O. Box 59, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +358-44-553 1984
Website for the Academy Research Fellow Project:
Website for the Academy Research Project:
3. Education and degrees awarded
Academy of Finland Research Fellow (1.9.2014-31.8. 2019) research project “Wills and Inheritance Arrangements in Sexually Marginalised Group”, University of Helsinki, Gender Studies
Title of Docent in Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, June 2014.
PhD in Women's Studies with minor in Criminal Law, University of Helsinki, 29.11.2005. Topic: Women’s same-sex fornication trials in Eastern Finland in the 1950s (magna cum laude)
MA in Cultural Anthropology with minors in Law, Criminology and Lesbian Studies, University of Helsinki, 29.5.1995 (eximia).
PhD research student: postgraduate qualification period towards a PhD. School for Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, 1.9.1996-15.7.1997 (one study year). Supervisors: Prof. Carol Smart and Prof. Sasha Roseneil.
MA in Cultural Anthropology with Minors in Law, Criminology and Lesbian Studies, University of Helsinki, 29.5.1995 (eximia). Supervisors: Prof. Matti Sarmela and Prof. Panu Minkkinen.
Erasmus exchange undergraduate, Criminology, Philosophy of Law and Lesbian Studies, University of Amsterdam;, 1.8.-31.12. 1993 (6 months, in Dutch).
4. Current position
Director of the Academy of Finland Research Project “CoreKin – Contrasting and Re-Imagining Margins of Kinship” (1.9.2016 – 31.8. 2020), University of Helsinki, Gender Studies (not salaried)
PI of a 3-year grant research project “Protolesbian Life History and Nationalist Sentiment in the 1920-30s Finland”, funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation 2019-2022.
Place of work: Gender Studies at the Department Cultures, University of Helsinki.
Research Career Phase: Established research director/senior scholar position
Contact details to facilitate verification of the highest degree earned:
Faculty of Arts, Unit of Cultures, University of Helsinki. Faculty office: Fabianinkatu 33, 2nd floor, PO Box 3 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. Tel. +358-9-1911 (exchange) Fax: +358-(0)9-191 23100. Email: hum-info(at)
5. Other education and training
2006-2010 Centre of Excellence, Postdoctoral Researcher Training in CoE on Political Thought and Conceptual Change, Politics of Philosophy and Gender, 2006-2010 (Dir: Kari Palonen), University of Jyväskylä
2005-2007 Postdoctoral Training in the Academy of Finland funded research project PornAcademy, 2005-2007 (Director: Docent Harri Kalha), University of Helsinki
Most Important Research Visits and Studies Abroad:
2019, 1 month: Kinlab at the University of Aegean, Greece, 17May – 16June 2019, hosted by Professor of Anthropology, Venetia Kantsa.
2017, 1 month: Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Fellowship at the Keele University Law School /ILAS, UK (Award: 1700e), 22Nov – 19Dec 2017, hosted by Professor of Law, Marie-Andre Jacob.
2017, 3 months: Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Södertörn/Centre of East European and Baltic Studies CBEES, Sweden 15Feb-14May 2017 in the Baltic Sea Foundation funded research project "Queer(y)ing Kinship in the Baltic Region", with the PI Ass. Prof. Ulrika Dahl (Uppsala Gender Studies) and the co-researcher Prof. Joanna Mizielinska (Academy of Sciences, Poland).
2015, 1 month: Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, Birkbeck Law School, University of London, 22.11.-23.12.2015 – 2-part blog paper on the Birkbeck Law School Webpage on Queer Wills and Inheritance.
Visiting Research Fellow at the Law School, University of Birmingham, 17.11. - 5.12. 2014 (3 weeks) - Research Seminar Queer Inheritance, Kinship, Law 4.12.
An Honorary Research Fellow at the Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, University of London, 5.12.-31.12.2011 (3 weeks).
An Honorary Research Fellow at the Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, University of London, 10.11.-5.12.2008 (3 weeks).
Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality, Universities of Kent, Keele and Westminster (Law Schools), 23.4.-16.5.2007 (3 weeks).
Research Fellow Visit, part of an individually designed, externally funded postgraduate qualification period towards a PhD, School for Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, 4.-30.6.2003 (3 weeks).
Research Fellow Visit, part of an individually designed, externally funded postgraduate qualification period towards a PhD. School for Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, 1.-24.2. 2003 (3 weeks).
A Visiting Research Fellow, part of an individually designed, externally funded postgraduate qualification period towards a PhD. Department of Law, University of Keele, Law, Gender and Sexuality Research Group, 1.5.-31.6.2001 (2 months).
PhD research student, part of an individually designed, externally funded postgraduate qualification period towards a PhD. School for Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, 1.9.1996-15.7.1997 (one study year).
Erasmus exchange undergraduate study period, Criminology, Philosophy of Law, and Lesbian Studies (in Dutch), University of Amsterdam, 1.8.-31.12. 1993 (6 months)
6. Recent International Awards
Sweden 2019: Nordic Council for Criminology, a travel grant, SEK4000
UK 2017: Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences/ILAS Fellowship at the Keele University Law School, 1700e
7. Linguistic skills:
Finnish (native); English, advanced (part of PhD degree); Dutch, advanced (part of MA degree); Swedish, intermediate (part of MA degree); German, pre-intermediate (3y high school); French, beginners (2y high school); Spanish, beginners (1y during MA training); Italian, beginners (1y during MA training)
8. Research Skills
Trained in quantitative and qualitative research methods: anthropological, sociological, historical and criminological fieldwork, archival work and survey methodologies, in queer and gender studies approaches.
Multidisciplinary and transnational MA, PhD and Postdoctoral training at the Universities of Helsinki, Amsterdam, Leeds, Keele, Kent, Birkbeck and Westminster.
Ample experience as a Director or PI of competitive projects and project applications, or as a senior member in research projects: vice-deputy in PornoAcademy 2005- 2007; senior team member in CoE in Political Thought and Conceptual Change 2006-2010, PI of two individual research projects at the Academy of Finland 2014-2020, a co-PI in a Swedish Baltic Sea Foundation research project 2015-2017; co-PI in the Nordic Research Council Network on Transforming Identities (2018-2020).
Word; Power Point; Excel; wide social media skills.
9. Previous work experience:
Before my PhD degree, I worked as an architect exhibition assistant at the Finnish Architects’ Society (SAFA) and as a journalist trainee in a Finnish newspaper Satakunnan Kansa (Pori).
10. Research funding and supervision:
Major research funding (competitive)
Research Project Director, Academy of Finland, Research Project ”CoreKin – Contrasting and Reimagining Margins of Kinship” 1.9.2016 – 31.8. 2020 (University of Helsinki)
Research Fellow, Academy of Finland, Research Project ”Wills and Inheritance in Sexually Marginalized Groups” 1.9.2014-31.8.2019 (University of Helsinki)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Academy of Finland, Project ”Politics of the Pedophile” 1.1.2010-31.12.2012 (University of Helsinki)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre of Excellence in ”Political Thought and Conceptual Change”, 1.9. 2008- 31.8. 2009 (University of Jyväskylä)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Academy of Finland, research project ”PornoAcademy”, Research task: Figure of the child in culture 1.1.2005-31.12.2007 (University of Helsinki)
Successful funding application preparation for a research group (competitive)
2018 Denmark DKK 111 000: Participant PI in NIKK Grant (Nordic Information on Gender under the Nordic Council of Ministers), 23 August 2018, for the Nordic Research Network ”Transforming identities: Exploring changes, tensions and visions in the Nordic region through the prism of identity politics”, (Director: Dr. Elisabeth Engebretsen), University of Stavanger, 1.1.2018 – 31.12. 2019
2018 Denmark DKK 111 000: Participant PI in NIKK Grant (Nordic Information on Gender under the Nordic Council of Ministers), 30 May 2018, for the Nordic Research Network ”Transforming identities: Exploring changes, tensions and visions in the Nordic region through the prism of identity politics”, (Director: Dr. Elisabeth Engebretsen), University of Oslo, 1.1.2018 – 31.12. 2019
2018 Finland (open amount): Dean’s Travel Grants for hosting 5 visiting foreign scholars: Prof. Davina Cooper, Prof. Didi Herman, Dr, Elisabeth Engebretsen, Dr. Thomas Strong, Paul Boyce, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts
2017 Sweden SEK 190 000: Participant PI in NOS-HS Workshop Grant from The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences”Transforming identities: Exploring changes, tensions and visions in the Nordic region through the prism of identity politics”, (Director: Dr. Elisabeth Engebretsen), University of Oslo, 1.1.2018 – 31.12. 2019
2016 Finland 473 488e: Director of the Academy of Finland Research Project CoreKin – Re-imagining and Contrasting Margins of Kinship 1.9.2016-31.8.2020
2015 Sweden: Participant PI in The Baltic Sea Foundation, 3 Year Research Project Funding “Queer(yi)ng Kinship in The Baltic Region” (Director: Prof. Ulrika Dahl), with the team member Prof Joanna Mizielinska, University of Södertörn 2015-2017
2013 Sweden: Participant PI in Torsten Amundson’s fund, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, to organize the workshop ‘Reproducing kinship, queering reproduction’ in Stockholm with Dr. Ulrika Dahl and Dr. Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, 17-19 October 2013.
Grant Periods (competitive):
Finnish Cultural Foundation 30 000e, 1.9. 2019-31.8. 2020 (an individual research project on Protolesbian Life History and Nationalist Sentiment in 1920-30s Finland, 1st of 3 year funding priod 2019-2022).
Kone Foundation, 39 600e, 1.1.2014 -31.12. 2014 (an individual research project on Queer Wills, was terminated on 31.8.2014 because of the new affiliation as an Academy of Finland Research Fellow started 1.9.2014).
Ehrnrooth Foundation, 11 000e, 1.9.-31.12. 2013 (launching an individual research project Queering Wills
Ehrnrooth Foundation, 18 000e, 1.8.-31.12. 2009 (starting an individual research project Politics of the Pedophile)
Oskar Öflund’s Foundation, 4000e, 2008 (travel grant for a research visit to Birkbeck College)
The Finnish Cultural Foundation, full-time funding, 1.1.2000 – 31.12.2002 (for the PhD project)
Oskar Öflund’s Foundation, 4000e, 2002 (travel grant to the University of Leeds)
SETA Foundation, 10 000FIM, 2000 (travel grant to the University of Keele)
Väinö Tanner’s Foundation, 60 000FIM, 1.1. –31.12.1999 (for the PhD project)
British Council, 12 000FIM, 1.9. –31.12. 1998 (for studying at the University of Leeds and for organizing Sex Outlaw Conference)
Academy of Finland, full-time funding, 1.9.1997–31.8.1998 (for studying at the University of Leeds)
The Finnish Cultural Foundation, full-time funding 1.9.1996–31.8.1997 (for the PhD project)
Emil Aaltonen Foundation, 40 000FIM, 1.1. –31.8.1996 (for preparing the PhD project)
Role in the preparation of funding applications for a research group:
Norway: Vetenskapsrådet (pending, submitted 24May 2019), Participant PI for the Project “Queer Domesticities in Norway” (Director: Prof. Tove Hellesund, Bergen University), 2020-2022.
Germany: Volkswagen Foundation (not granted), Participant PI for the Project “Political Empowerment and Gender Parity: A Comparative Study between Malaysia and Finland“ (Director: Dr. Azzarina Zakaria, Universiti Teknologi MARA), 2019-2021.
Norway: Vetenskapsrådet (not granted), Participant PI for the Project “Queer Domesticities in Norway” (Director: Prof. Tove Hellesund, Bergen University), 2019-2021.
Sweden: Torsten Amundson’s fund via the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (granted fully): to organise an international workshop Reproducing kinship, queering reproduction in Stockholm, 17-19 October 2013: one of three PIs who prepared the application (primary PI Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, assistant PIs Dr. Dahl and Dr. Sorainen).
Finland: Senior Researcher team member in the application “Cultural Memory and Museums” for the Academy of Finland (not granted), PI Kia Lindroos.
Germany: HERA Cultural Encounters Program (invitation grant): Berlin 21.2.2012 Match-Making Event (Invited PI) to introduce my research project ideas (invited PI rate 300/1000). ERC Starting Grant 2012 application was rated 30-39% of 100% - 0 maximum, 100 minimum, 19% passing rate.
Poland: HERA Cultural Encounters (not granted), Queer Kinship transnational project application, one of the three national PIs 2012 (other PIs from the Universities of Warsow and Södertörn, primary PI Joanna Mizielinska).
Finland: Academy of Finland (successfully granted): PornAcademy, a research project by the Academy of Finland for 2005-2007, prepared the application together with the PI (4/2004, PI Harri Kalha).
Leadership in research work:
My multidisciplinary research project team “CoreKin- Contradting and Re-imagining Kinship in Margins” (2016-2020) consists of 2 international Doctoral Students and 2 Postdoctoral Students. The field of the team is Gender Studies, particularly Law, Gender and Sexuality; Queer Kinship; Sexualities and Care; Alternative Families; Intimate Economics.
Experience as officially appointed supervisor to undergraduate and doctoral students:
PhD supervision. MA, Moona Kinnunen, started 2017, Theology, University of Helsinki
PhD supervision. MA, Anna Heinonen, Gender Studies, University of Helsinki (2017-2018), with Dr. Anna Moring from the CoreKin Group.
PhD candidate, MA, Anna Avdeeva, Natural Parenting in Russia. Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, started 1/2015-6/2020.
PhD candidate, MA, Vuokko Viljanen, Queer as an Abject. Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, started 1/2015.
PhD supervision. MA, PhD Anna Moring: Oudot perheet [Queer Families]. Gender Studies, University of Helsinki. Secondary supervisor, 2008-2013. Defended 8.6.2013: eximia.
PhD supervision. MA, Phil.Lic. Jenny Kangasvuo: Bisexuality in Finnish Culture. Cultural Anthropology, University of Oulu. Secondary supervisor, 2009-2013. Defended November 2014: Eximia.
MA supervision. Jesse Matilainen, MA thesis on Polyamory and queer kinship in Finland. Anthropology, University of Helsinki. Main supervisor, 1.5.2011-31.2.2012 (magna cum laude). Main supervisor.
MA supervision. Hanna Välitalo, MA thesis on heteronormativity in childrens’ books. Aalto University of Art and Design, Pori, January-March 2014. Main supervisor.
MA supervision. BA Jenni Leander, pedophile stigma in the society. Sociology, University of Helsinki. Main supervisor, started 1.9. 2013.
9. Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence:
I have developed university teaching that make the classrooms more dialogical and less hierarchical in organizing intensive courses (both PhD and MA level) on sexuality studies, often in English for international students with teachers with different profiles to benefit the students understandings of the studied field more broadly.
Since 2005 (after my PhD degree) I have been teaching about 35 MA and PhD level courses and seminars on Queer Theory, Kinship, History of Decency, Feminist Theory, Queer Art and Research Ethics in Finnish Universities (Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Pori). As I teach on these topics also in Art Universities and Art Schools (such as Theatre Academy, Aalto University and The Academy of Fine Arts), I use a lot of visual materials in my lectures and presentations, such as paintings, documentaries, video clips and short films to discuss through them topics on sexuality and gender.
Student response has always been excellent as the non-hierarchical and dialogical nature of my pedagogical approach has been highly appropriated among the students and colleagues. I have organized three symposiums on research ethics and risks in sensitive fields and published widely on critical pedagogy.
Service as a pre-examiner (9); Successfully completed PhD Supervision (2); Successfully completed MA Supervision (3) Ongoing PhD Supervision: (3) Service as a pre-examiner of a doctoral dissertation (5)
Phil.Lic ext. examiner: (1) MA examiner: (7) Officially appointed supervisor for graduate/PhD students: (7)
PhD external examiner: Annukka Lahti’s PhD thesis “Bisexuality in relationships: a queer psychosocial approach” for the University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 14Jan 2019.
PhD external examiner: Bisexuality in Relations, Social Work, University of Helsinki, Spring 2015.
PhD external examiner: Karolina Kiil, Forbidden Images – forbidden themes expressed through drawings by young people in Finland and Estonia, University of Art and Design, Helsinki, 31.8. 2010.
Phil.Lic external examiner; Jenny Kangasvuo, Bisexuality in Finnish culture. Cultural Anthropology, University of Oulu, 31.5.2007.
MA examiner (examples):
· Jonna Nummela: Loldiers of Odin and Clowns Against Fascism: Powers of Performative Failure in Grassroots Anti-fascist Activism, Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, 2020.
Tiina Äijänaho, Michael Jackson’s public figure, Anthropology, University of Helsinki, 2010.
Anna Heino, Abortion debates in Finnish media, Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, 2010.
Evaluation of academic/scientific competence:
Title of Docent in Gender Studies, 2014; Docent Lecture was held on 15th of May 2014 at the University of Helsinki and approved as "good".
13. Other academic merits
Membership in national or international expert groups:
1. International Advisory Board, ERSC Project The Future of Legal Gender, King’s College, London, 2018-2021
2. International Advisory Board, The Polish Academy of Sciences funded research project Families of Choice in Poland (PI Joanna Mizielinska), 2013-2015.
3. International Advisory Board, AHRB Centre for the Study of Law, Gender and Sexuality, Kent Law School, University of Kent, UK, 2004-2009.
Editorial boards of scientific and scholarly journals and publication series:
Senior Advisory Board, Harrington Park Press, 2016-
Editorial Board for the book series Social Justice, Routledge, 2009-
International Advisory Board, Lambda Nordica, a Nordic scientific peer-reviewed journal 2009-
Editorial Board of the Finnish Journal of Socio-Legal Studies (Oikeus), 2004-2007
Referee for scientific and scholarly journals: journals (30), registered referee (8), book series (8)
Invited keynote lectures and conferences: about 10
Organized international conferences, symposia and workshops: More than 30
Chairing international workshops: More than 30
Memberships and positions of trust in scientific and scholarly societies:
1. A founding member of Queer Kinship network (Helsinki, Warsaw, Södertörn) 2013 –
2. Chair of the Society for Socio-Legal Studies in Finland 2006-2009
3. Founding member and first chair of the Society for Queer Studies in Finland 2004-2006;
Board Member 2015-2018
4. Founding Member of the Finnish Network on Children and Control, 2008-.
5. Founding Member of the Society for Childhood Studies in Finland, 2008-
6. Co-ordinator of the National Network for Violence in Finland 2008
7. Board Member of the Finnish Society for Social Pedagogy 2005-2008
8. Founding Member of the Nordic network for queer education, 2003-2007.
9. Founding Member of the Network for Lesbian and Gay Domestic Violence 2005-2008.
10. European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, 2001-
11. A Founding Member of the Scandinavian network for lesbian and queer education, 2003-2007.
12. A Founding Member of a research collective Speaking the Unthinkable – Lesbian and Gay Domestic Violence (Johanna Hiitola, Helena Jokila, Juulia Jyränki & A. Sorainen), 2005-2008.
13. Member of the Finnish Critical Criminologists’ Group, 2001-
14. Member of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, 2001
15. Member of a research network on Sexology and Translation (Birkbeck, UK), 2011
16. Member of a research network on Onscenity (Sheffield, UK), 2010-
Referee for scientific and scholarly journals:
Legal Studies (1), Flinders Law Journal (1), Nora -Nordic Gender Studies Journal (7), Journal of Homosexuality (5), Routledge (6), GLQ – A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (2), Law & Society (2), Social and Legal Studies (2), Feminist Legal Studies (1), Feminist Theory (2), Anthropological Journal of European Cultures (2), Somatechnics (2); Dutch Journal of Gender Studies (1); Public Art Dialogue (1); Ethnologica Fennica (2); Social Studies (2); European Graduate Journal of Social Science (3), Thirdspace (European Gender Studies Journal (3), Journal of Porn Studies (3), Ethnologica Fennica (1), Publishing House Like (2), Oikeus (Journal of Finnish Socio-Legal Studies (3), SQS (Journal of Finnish Queer Studies (6), Kulttuurintutkimus (Journal of Finnish Cultural Studies, 2), Lähikuva (Journal of Finnish Audiovisual Studies, 2), Naistutkimus (Journal of Finnish Gender Studies, 3), The Finnish Council for Equality (1), Niin & Näin – Finnish Philosophical Journal (1).
Invited keynote lectures and conferences (selected):
“Queer Inheritance.” Edinburgh Law School Legal Theory Seminar Series, 16April 2020 (forthcoming).
“Gay Back Alley Tolstoys – Margins of Queer Kinship in Helsinki.” Ethnology and Gender Studies Seminar Series at the University of Umeå, 12September 2019.
“Protolesbian domesticities and nationalism in the between the wars-Finland”, Queering Domesticities Symposium at the University of Bergen, 18.10. 2018
“Queer Heritage”, SQS Conference at the University of Turku, 27.9. 2014.
“Omituisuus ja kamppailu etiikan merkityksistä” [Queering the Politics of Ethics], Finnish Ethnology Symposium, Helsinki 15 March 2013.
“Lesbians before the ‘Lesbian’”, Birkbeck College, Queer 1950s Conference 6-7 May 2010.
“Rikoslain historiaa vinosti” [Queering the history of Finnish Criminal Law], Queer Studies Conference (O Tempora O Queer), University of Turku, 30 October 2006.
More than fifty papers at international conferences and workshops on topics such as politics of decency and politics of paedophilia after my PhD degree.
More than fifty papers after the docent degree on topics such as Queer wills, Queering Inheritance, queer(y)ing kinship, protoqueer history, lesbian history, Queer Grief, lesbian age gap, queer childhood, politics of pedophilia, Sittlichkeit, history of sexual criminal law, research ethics, same-sex trials, pornography, Edvard Westermarck, Queer Grief.
International invited visitors, selected:
Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, Södertörn University, (1Dec 2019-31Jan2020)
Davina Cooper, Professor, King’s College, UCL (24.-31March 2019)
Didi Herman, Professor, Kent Law School (24.-31March 2019)
Jack Halberstam, Professor, Columbia University (30Jan – 5Feb 2019)
Paul Boyce, Senior Lecturer, University of Sussex, 16.-23 Dec 2019)
Elisabeth Engebretsen, Senior Lecturer, University of Stavanger (29Nov-5Dec 2019)
Thomas Strong, Senior Lecturer, University of Maynooth (29Nov-5Dec 2019)
Matt Cook, Director of Raphael Samuel Centre, Senior Lecturer in History, Birkbeck College, University of London, (5.-6. May 2014 and 3.-6. November 2014)
Daniel Monk, Director, University of London, Director of Birkbeck Gender & Sexuality (BiGS) (4-6.10.2013 and November 2015)
Margaret Davies, Professor of Law, Flinders University (11.-16.4.2009)
Organized international conferences, symposia and workshops, selected:
Next of Kin. University of Helsinki, Gender Studies, with Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, 14th January 2020 (CoreKin).
The Very Binary Drama. University of Helsinki, Gender Studies, with Davina Cooper, 24 March 2019 (QueerWills/CoreKin).
Unbuilding Gender. University of Helsinki, Gender Studies, with Jack Halberstam, 4 February 2019 (QueerWills/CoreKin).
Errors in Kinship, Queers, Witches. University of Helsinki, Gender Studies, with Dr. Thomas Strong, 4th December 2018 (CoreKin).
Queering Kinship. A CoreKin & SKY PhD workshop at Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, with Dr. Elisabeth Engebretsen and Dr. Thomas Strong, 3.-4.12. 2018.
Sexual Worldings: 'MSM' Orientations. University of Helsinki, Gender Studies, with Dr. Paul Boyce. 23rd of January 2018 (CoreKin)
Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variance. University of Helsinki, Gender Studies, with Prof. Jack Halberstam. 23rd of January 2017 (CoreKin).
Risks and Protection in Field Work related to Gender and Sexualities. CoreKin Open Seminar, Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, 2.12.2016 with the Director of Human Resources at the University of Helsinki, Kirsi Korhonen.
Queer(y)ing Kinship, Family and Sexuality. A CoreKin & SKY PhD workshop at Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, with Prof. Ulrika Dahl and Prof. Joanna Mizielinska, 7.-9.11. 2016.
Families of Choice in Poland, University of Helsinki, Gender Studies, with Prof.. Joanna Mizielinska, 9th November 2016 (CoreKin).
Future of Kinship! – Launch Event of the CoreKin Project. Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, with Professor Marie-Andrée Jacob (Keele Law School, UK), Dr. Anna-Maria Tapaninen (University of Eastern Finland, Anthropology), 27.09. 2016.
Queer Inheritance Workshop. Birmingham Law School, with Dr. Rosie Harding, Dr. Daniel Monk and Dr. Sue Westwood, 4th December 2014.
How to Study the History of Sexuality? A SKY PhD workshop at Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, with Dr. Matt Cook, 3.-5.11. 2014.
Queer Bodies Queer Cities, an international workshop with Dr. Matt Cook from Birkbeck College, at the Urban Studies Conference, 5.5.2014, House of Sciences, Helsinki.
Queering Reproductive Kinship, international workshop organized together with Jenny Gunnarsson Payne and Ulrika Dahl, Södertörn University, Stockholm, 17-19 October 2013.
Violence on the Borders of Legal, Political and Social with Violence Studies Network, University of Helsinki 4-5. June 2009.
Queer Futurities, with Harri Kalha, the Finnish Institute in Berlin 18-19. May 2009.
Participatory Law: Risks and Possibilities for Feminism, with Margaret Davies and Johanna Niemi, University of Helsinki 14.4.2009.
Chairing international workshops, selected:
2019 QueerGrief, University of Helsinki, Gender Studies Conference 24October 2019.
2013 Human Rights in Russia. International workshop at Aleksanteri Institute Conference, University of Helsinki 23-25 October 2013.
2013 Anarchy and Queer Politics, Judith Halberstam. The 5th Christina Conference of Gender Studies. University of Helsinki 23-25.5.2013.
2009 Sexual Politics of Violence. Violence on the Borders of Legal, Political and Social with Violence Studies Network in Helsinki 4-5.5.2009.
11. Scientific and societal impact of research:
Full List of Publications here:
Publishing Strategy Statement: I target both top international publishers in my field, such as Routledge, Gale, Palgrave MacMillan, Continuum but also alternative or marginalized journals such as Lambda Nordica, Journal of Homosexuality and SQS which all have published my texts as book chapters or articles. Late 2019, I will publish a book on Queer wills and Inheritance Arrangements by Palgrave MacMillan (contract signed).
I am also a merited editorial scholar, with an active profile in social media. I publish mainly in the following study fields:
Law, Gender and Sexuality
Sexuality in Culture
Queer Personal Lives and History
I have actively seeked to publish also scientific roundtables, online essays, reviews and book reviews, in order to engage with the scientific debates in my field. I am a regular contributor for Allegra - Virtual Lab for Legal Anthropology ( I also give radio and other media interviews on a regular basis, but only on topics strictly linked to my research.
Statistics: total amount of citations: 170. H-index 7. i10-index: 4 (Source: Google scholar 30 January 2020)
Editorial work (Journals):
2021 Guest editor of the special issue Protoqueer Archives, Journal of Finnish Queer Studies - SQS (forthcoming).
2020 Editor of the CoreKin Special Issue of Feminists@law (forthcoming in 2020)
2011 Guest editor of the special issue Queering the Home: Politics and Ethics of the 'Field', Journal of Finnish Queer Studies - SQS 4(2011):1.
2007 Guest editor, with Kaius Tuori, of the special issue Law & Anthropology, Journal of Finnish Socio-legal Studies - Oikeus, 36(2007):1.
2000 Guest co-editor of the special issue “Sex Outlaw”, Journal of Finnish Women’s Studies - Naistutkimus - Kvinnoforskning, 13(2000):2.
1999 Guest editor of the special volume “Sex Outlaw”, Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society - Suomen Antropologi, 24(1999); 2.
Editorial work (Book):
Siveellisyydestä seksuaalisuuteen –poliittisen käsitteen historia [From Decency to Sexuality – A History of A Political Concept]. Co-editor with Tuija Pulkkinen. The Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki, 2011.
Merits in science communication and expert assignments in the media:
I have been active in media, seeking particularly to give interviews to the national broadcasting company YLE and other key media (also the Swedish-languaged media in Finland).
10 examples of my engagements with media, linked to my research:
2019 Homot ja lesbot saattavat kohdata syrjintää perintöjärjestelyissä — Tutkija Antu Sorainen dokumentoi suomalaista queer-kulttuuria – Teemasuomalainen (many Finnish magazines) 20.6. 2019:
2013 Siveellisyyden politiikasta [Politics of Decency/Sittlichkeit]. Radio Yle1, Kalle Haatanen (55min, an exclusive radio interview, taped, broadcasted 19.9. 2013).
2013 Oscar Wilde: Dorian Gray & EM Forster: Maurice. YleRadio1, Kirjakaappi (55min, a radio debate with Dr. Pialivia Hekanaho, broadcasted in 1/2014).
2012 Olisiko kaikkien etu, jos pedofiili saisi ajoissa apua? [Would it be the benefit of all if the pedophile would get pre-cure?][Would it benefit all if the pedophile would get premeditated cure?], (a comment in a reportage in the main Finnish newspaper’s attachment). Helsingin Sanomat, Nyt attachment 17.9. 2012, Helsingin Sanomat.
2012 Politicians missing in the Pussy Riot Demonstration in Helsinki (an on-the-spot interview in the main Finnish Swedish-languaged newspaper). Hufvudstadsbladet.
2011 Seksirikollisten julkistaminen ei auta uhreja [Sex Offenders Registers Do Not Help Victims]. Verkkotutka January (an exclusive interview in an online magazine):
2011 Nuori, seksi, rikos ja rangaistus [Youth, Sex, Crime, Punishment]. Yliopisto - University 4/2011, 40-43 (an exclusive interview in the popular university magazine).
2011 “Sivupersoona” -haastattelu ja reportaasi väitöskirjaani perustuen [“A personal portrait” and a major reportage based on my PhD thesis in the main Finnish newspaper ]. Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite, December Issue.
2009 Seksuaalianarkismi [Sexual Anarchy] (a radio debate with artist Anna Cadia and activist Laura, 100 min). YleRadio1, Bensaa liekkeihin/Akuliina Saarikoski, 6.6. 2009.
2009 On the Finnish gender culture (an exclusive interview in the main Polish newspaper). Gazeta Wyborcza 10.12. 2009.,100958,7352775,Finki_nosza_w_kieszeni_noz.html
2007 Poliisi-TV Extra: Anonyymisti sinun [Anonymously yours] (an expert tv interview on lesbian/queer history, “pink police” and lesbian domestic violence). YLE TV2, broadcasted 16.8. 2007.
12.Other merits:
Scientific Expertise:
Gender, Queer Theory, sexuality, inheritance and wills, kinship, sexual criminal law, decency, intimacy, queer theory, anthropology of sexuality, queer theory, research ethics, history of lesbian sexuality, queer criminology, childhood in culture.
15. Social Media Activity
Moderating research-related FB groups:
Founder of Wills and Inheritance in Sexually Marginalized Groups Facebook Group - 700 members 30.1. 2020
Founder of Contrasting and Re-Imagining Margins of Kinship Facebook Group - 359 members 30.1. 2020
Founder of Queering Criminology Facebook Group, with Prof. Salo de Carvalho (University of Santiago) - 325 members 30.1. 2020
Founder of Lost Queer Lez-Biz Finland Facebook Group, with Docent Tuula Juvonen (University of Tampere) - 759 members 15.1. 2020
Active profiles in academic social media:
Owner of the QueerPain blogsite since July 2018:
Regular blogger for Allegra Lab on Legal Anthropology since 2013:
Regular blogger for AntroBlogi since 2015:
Research Gate:
Genus, Hab., QueerWills, Helsinki University
1 sep. 2015 → …
Tilldelningsdatum: 6 juni 2014
Gender Studies (minor: Law), PhD, Women's Same-sex court cases for gross indecency in the Eastern Finland, 1950s, Helsingfors universitet
Tilldelningsdatum: 29 okt. 2005
Cultural Anthropology (minor: Law), MA, Lesbian Trials in the 1950s, Helsingfors universitet
Tilldelningsdatum: 1 juni 1995
PI, Oslo Universitet
1 jan. 2018 → 31 dec. 2019
Pi, Södertörn University / CBEES
1 jan. 2016 → 31 dec. 2017
Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapport › Antologi eller special utgåva › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Sorainen, A. (Principal Investigator), Hellesund, T. (Projektledare), Engebretsen, E. L. (Principal Investigator), Cook, M. (Principal Investigator) & Vider, S. (Principal Investigator)
01/09/2020 → 01/09/2025
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Sorainen, A. (Annan) & Lahti, A. (Projektledare)
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2023
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Sorainen, A. (Projektledare)
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2021
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Sorainen, A. (Annan) & Oksanen, P. P. (Projektledare)
01/01/2020 → 31/08/2020
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Sorainen, A. (Projektledare) & Penteado, C. (Projektledare)
01/12/2019 → 30/11/2022
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Sorainen, A. (!!Recipient), sep. 2022
Pris: Pris och hedersbetygelser
Sorainen, A. (!!Speaker)
Aktivitet: Typer för tal eller presentation › !!Invited talk
Penttinen, E. (Värd) & Sorainen, A. (Värd)
Aktivitet: Typer för att vara värd för en besökare › Akademiskt besök på HU
Sorainen, A. (Referentgranskare)
Aktivitet: Typer för peer review av output och redaktionsarbete › Referentgranskning av manuskript
Sorainen, A. (!!Speaker)
Aktivitet: Typer för tal eller presentation › !!Oral presentation
Sorainen, A. (Deltagare)
Aktivitet: Andra aktivitetstyper › Typer av övriga aktiviteter - Övrigt
1 Mediabidrag
Press/media: !!Press / Media
1 objekt av Mediabevakning
Press/media: !!Press / Media
1 Mediabidrag
Press/media: !!Press / Media
Sorainen, A. & Ruuska, J.
1 Mediabidrag
Press/media: !!Press / Media