Personlig profil



Since 2011: Associate professor (“Maitresse de conferences”) Ecology and Spatial Analysis, University of Angers, Department of Biology, France.

Since 09/2024: Visiting researcher Lammi biological station, University of Helsinki, Finland

09/2022 - 08/2024 : Kone grantee, researcher Lammi biological station university of Helsinki, Finland

2009 - 2010: Post-doctoral position "Habitat modeling for migratory waterfowl in the boreal area" in the program " Climate change and European Flyways ". Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Alexander-Erlangen- Nuremberg University ; Germany

2008-2009: Post-doctoral position “ Study of wetland potentialities as migratory bird habitats using remote sensing ” Institute of Geography, Institute of Applied Mathematics 3, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg; Germany.

2009 „ Satellitenfernerkundung und Geographische Informationssysteme für Umweltbeobachtung“ (Satellite remote sensing and GIS for environmental monitoring), Summer semester 2009, Friedrich-Alexander-Erlangen-Nuremberg University, Institute of Geography (Germany), Lectures and tutorials, Level: Bachelor at Magister (semester 3 to semester 9), 22 hours

2003 : Teaching assistant for national education in the life sciences and earth for classes 6th, 5th, 4th and 3 rd levels at the College Camille Guerin, Saint Meen-le-Grand, Ille et Vilaine (35), 195 hours.


Research vision

My research deals with nature-society interactions. Starting from the needs of local stakeholders, I seek to develop remote sensing tools and state indicators, reflecting the conditions of health, artificialisation and threats to wetlands in diverse landscapes from boreal forests to semi-arid zones and for a long-term monitoring, at different spatial scales. The multispectral and multitemporal data extracted from high-resolution satellite and drone images, combined with rigorous field surveys, allow monitoring these landscapes while limiting or even avoiding the costs of new sampling. My multidisciplinary education combining ecology, geosciences, biogeography and mathematics allows me to best explore environmental analysis for different study scales. I work on the development of robust models, reliable and resistant statically. I implement statistical methods easy to understand and easy to interpreted, for an automated mapping of biophysical parameters and species requirements. I seek to bring tools that help the management of these environments. I therefore work in direct contact with managers in order to develop tools that best meet their needs and constraints. I have developed my skills in dealing with big data of satellite remote sensing through the use of google earth engine directly on the platform and on R via Python, and the use of the sentinel hub. I am now developing routines for series of drone images in diverse landscapes (agricultural and forest environments) combined with fine resolution of satellite images (Planet program for instance) to monitor biophysical parameters and help improving nature based solutions and adaptive management in watersheds. Recently, I have worked on social ecology with the development of protocols based on art to understand the social cognition of wetlands. I also create pedagogical kits for different school levels mixing game, art and sciences to improve the social perception of wetland biodiversity and ecological functions.


Key words

Wetland, biodiversity, remote sensing, ecology, social geography, social ecology, spatial analysis, modelling, landscape ecology


Mediaélie-davranche-44144021b › AuDavranche


Research qualifications
Experience leading a research group
2022: Wetland biodiversity in hunting marshes of Vendée in France. Funding: French hunting federation and French biodiversity office. Partners: CNRS UMR LEHNA, CNRS UMR LETG, Hunting federation of Vendée. Staff: 2 Master students, 3 technicians.
2022-2025: POOL - The role of seasonal wetlands as biOdiversity hOtspots and nature-based soLution to water quality decline in the Finnish boreal forest ecosystems: a multi actor and transdisciplinary approach, Funding: Kone foundation, Partners: University of Helsinki, Turku university, University of Angers, Häme University of Applied Sciences, CNRS UMR LEHNA, Vanajavesi centre, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), United Paper Mills Forest (UPM Forest), photographers, painters, musicians and performers. (Principal investigators: Céline Arzel (Uni Turku), Aurélie Davranche (Uni Helsinki), Petri Nummi (Uni Helsinki). Staff : 19 Master students, 1 PhD Student, 1 post-doc.
2021: Statistical analysis of a database on waterbirds in the Marais Breton and recommendations for habitat management in collaboration with the departmental federation of Hunters of the Vendée. Funding: departmental federation of Hunters of the Vendée. Partners: LETG, LEHNA, University of Turku (Principal investigator: Aurélie
Davranche and Jean Secondi, university of Angers). Staff: 1 post-doctorant, 3 researchers, 1 manager of natural habitat, 2 technicians.
2020 - 2022: RADIANCE - Networks of small wetlands and the browning of surface water: from the Adaptation of Amphibians to social representations, Funding: University of Angers, LETG, LEHNA, University of Turku, University of Helsinki. Partners: Biological station of Lammi, LETG, LEHNA, department of biology of the University of Turku (Principal investigator: Aurélie Davranche)
2020: Land use dynamic over the Grand Lieu watershed in connection with the dynamics of the habitats of macro-invertebrates in the lake, partners: MMS, LETG Nantes, Réserve de Grand Lieu, ECOBIO and OSUNA, funding: OSUNA, LETG. Partners : CNRS UMR LETG Angers, LETG Nantes, MMS (Principal investigator: Aurélie Davranche). Staff: 5 researchers, 1 master student.
2019- 2020: MiSMATCH - Movement of a Migratory Specie, the Eurasian wigeon (Mareca penelope), and use of its Habitat: is the network of protected natural areas sufficient to meet the needs of migratory waterbird populations ? Funding: PEPS ECOMOB CNRS. Partners: LETG Angers, Department of Biology and Environmental Science_University of Kalmar (Sweden), University of Turku, TERRANIS (Principal investigator: Aurélie Davranche). Staff: 4 researchers from academic sector, 1 researcher from the private sector, 1 product director manager from the private sector.
2017: WETLANDSPACE, setting up an international scientific network for wetland monitoring and management at the catchment scale. Funding: ANR (national research agency). Co-coordinators: Aziz Ballouche, Aurélie Davranche, Nuscia Taïbi. Partners: LETG (France), University of Dakar (Senegal), University of Nantes (France), University of Algarve (Portugal), Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona (Italie), University of Liège (Luxembourg), University of Coimbra (Portugal), University of Wüzburg (Germany), University of Toliara (Madagascar), PRCM (Senegal), Peregrine Fund (Madagascar), University of Sassari(Italie), Posada municipality (Italy), University of Toulouse (France), University of Bamberg (Germany), University of Helsinki (Finland), National Center for Environmental Research (Madagascar), the vanajavesi center (Finland), National Agency for Regional Planning at Saint Louis (Senegal). Staff: 21 reseachers from the academic sector, 4 other stakeholders.

Scope and involvement in other projects as partner
2021 – 2023: Effects of large herbivorous waterfowl in aquatic ecosystems. Funding: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency". Partners: University of Kristianstad, University of Kalmar, CNRS UMR LETG, University of Helsinki.
Principal investigator: Gunnar Gunnarsson. Involvement: modelling of biophysical parameters from drone data acquired over 10 wetlands (vegetation, water quality, geese disturbance) in an agricultural landscape
2022 – 2027: ZHOST – « Pour une meilleure connaissance et gestion des Zones Humides des Oasis de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal et Tunisiennes » (For a better knowledge and management of Oasis wetlands in Senegal and Tunisia). Funding: CNRS (70k€). Partners: CNRS UMR ESO (France), University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (Senegal), INALCO Paris (France), University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis (France), University of Gabès (Tunisia), University of Helsinki. Principal investigator: Nuscia Taïbi. Involvement: development of an automated remote sensing method to monitor the hydroperiods and vegetation changes of ephemeral wetlands in Senegal and Tunisia in relation to bird migration and based on Fulani litterature and local population knowledge.
2018 – 2025: WATBRO – water browning and land use in a forest landscape. Funding: Finnish Cultural Foundation, EDUFI, Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Lammi biological station (99k€). Coordinator: Céline Arzel. Partners: Turku university, university of Helsinki, university of Angers, university of Nantes, LUKE_ Natural Resources Institute Finland, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Vanajavesi keskus, North Karjala Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment. Involvement: Remote sensing of lake water quality.
2010-2022: Adaptive management of the lagoons and marshes of the former salt marshes of the Camargue with the objective of reconversion and restoration of a highly anthropized site using a multidisciplinary and integrative approach.
The adaptation of the model was made possible thanks to funding from the European H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL and SWOS projects which applied the model to the Mediterranean area more broadly.
2014-2023 ILLUMIN - Impact of light pollution on populations in wetlands, study of the effects on different climatic zones. The growth of population and communication routes as well as urbanization on a global scale has led to a rapid expansion of artificial lighting at night, which creates anthropogenic pollution called " Artificial Light at Night" (ALAN).
2011-2015 - Grassland birds in the lower valleys of Anjou - This program is a partnership between the region, cities and the institutional or associative stakeholders of the Loire basin.

Articles in international scientific journals with referee practice
1. Davranche A., Arzel C., Carrasco A. Rita, Pouzet P., Lague D., Thibault M., Newton A., Maanan M. Environmental variables derived from remote sensing to monitor the edaphic conditions of salt marsh species development: a case study of an adaptive management to cope with sea level rise in Camargue, France. Science of the Total Environment 2023-11-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168289
2. Blanchet C., Arzel C., Davranche A., Kahilainen K.K, Secondi J., Taipale S., Lindberg H., Loehr J., Manninen-Johansen S., Sundell J., Maanan M., & Nummi P. (2022). Ecology and extent of freshwater browning - what we know and what should be studied next in the context of global change, Science of the total environment, Volume 812, 15 March 2022, 152420.
3. Arzel, C., Nummi, P., Arvola, L., Pöysä, H., Davranche, A., Rask, M., ... & Manninen-Johansen, S. (2020). Invertebrates are declining in boreal aquatic habitat: The effect of brownification?. Science of The Total Environment, 138199.
4. Secondi, J., Davranche, A., Théry, M., Mondy, N., & Lengagne, T. (2020). Assessing the effects of artificial light at night on biodiversity across latitude–Current knowledge gaps. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
5. Lefebvre; A. Davranche; L.Willm; J.Campagna; L.Redmond; C.Merle; A.Guelmami; B.Poulin (2019) Introducing WIW for Detecting the Presence of Water in Wetlands with Landsat and Sentinel Satellites, remote sensing, 11, 2210; doi:10.3390/rs11192210.
6. Secondi, J., Dupont, V., Davranche, A., Mondy, N., Lengagne, T., & Théry, M. (2017). Variability of surface and underwater nocturnal spectral irradiance with the presence of clouds in urban and peri-urban wetlands. PloS one, 12(11), e0186808.
7. Mojtahid, M., Geslin, E., Coynel, A., Gorse, L., Vella, C., Davranche, A., ... & Maillet, G. (2016). Spatial distribution of living (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera in the Loire estuary (western France). Journal of Sea Research.
8.Besnard, A. G., Davranche, A., Maugenest, S., Bouzillé, J. B., Vian, A., & Secondi, J. (2015). Vegetation maps based on remote sensing are informative predictors of habitat selection of grassland birds across a wetness gradient. Ecological Indicators, 58, 47-54.
9. Davranche A., Poulin B., Lefebvre G. (2013). Mapping flooding regimes in Camargue wetlands using seasonal multispectral data. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 138, 165-171, November 2013.
10. Poulin B., Davranche A., Lefebvre G. (2010). Ecological assessment of Phragmites australis wetlands using multi-season SPOT-5 scenes, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 114, Issue 7, 1325-1628, July 2010.
11.Davranche A., Poulin B., Lefebvre G. (2010). Wetland monitoring using classification trees and SPOT-5 seasonal time series, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 114, Issue 3, 552-562, March 2010.
12.Davranche, A., Lefebvre, G., Poulin, B. (2009). Radiometric normalization of SPOT 5 scenes: 6S atmospheric model versus pseudo-invariant features. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 75, 723−728.
Articles in international scientific compilation works and international scientific conference proceedings with referee practice
13. Davranche A., Poulin B., Lefebvre G. 2011. Reedbed monitoring using classification trees and SPOT-5 seasonal time series. International Symposium on Advanced Methods of Monitoring Reed Habitats in Europe, Elmar Csaplovics / Jana Schmidt (Hrsg.). Rhombos edition.
14. Poulin B., Davranche A., Lefebvre G. 2011. A robust scheme for monitoring indicators of reedbed ecological state by satellite imagery. International Symposium on Advanced Methods of Monitoring Reed Habitats in Europe, Elmar Csaplovics / Jana Schmidt (Hrsg.). Rhombos edition.

Articles in French scientific journals with referee practice
15. Rakotoarisoa M., Davranche A., Amiot A., La Jeunesse I., Ballouche A., Fleurant C., Jadas-Hécart A. et Landry D., 2014, Un modèle pluie-débit pour l'aide à la quantification des transferts de pesticides dans un petit bassin versant viticole,in Eaux, milieux et aménagement : une recherche au service des territoires, Presses de l'Université d'Angers, sous la direction de A. Ballouche et N. Taïbi, p. 181-194.
16. Ricardo, A., Taïbi, A. N., Davranche, A., Ballouche, A., & Félicitée, R. F. (2017). Dynamique de la mangrove de la région du Sud-ouest de Madagascar face aux actions anthropiques et au changement climatique. L’exemple des formations à palétuviers. Territoires d'Afrique, (9), 41-52.

Other publications
Book chapter
17.A.Davranche, A.N. Taïbi (2015). Les changements d’occupation et d’usage du sol, des processus multidimensionnels complexes qui affectent la biodiversité. Mathevet R.; Godet L. Pour une géographie de la conservation, L'Harmattan, 2015, 978-2-343-06972-2.

18.Zombie_Land (2017), netlogo code + pedagogical sheet in French. Enora Bruley (Université Grenoble Alpes), Aurélie Davranche (Université d’Angers),Vincent Fourcassié (Université Toulouse III), Marie Jeanne Ouriachi (Université Côte d’Azur), Kilian Vasnier (Airbus Defense and Space, DGA, KGB, Université de Caen). MAPS 10.

Articles popularising science
19.Davranche A., Houet T., Farau S., Leray A., Bobineau M., Lorieux M. et Arzel C (in prep for spring 2024), Utilisation du drone pour le suivi écologique des marais Bretosn et poitevins, chasseurs vendéens.
20.Davranche, A., Allard S., Poulin B. 2006. Le suivi des roselières sur le Charnier-Scamandre. Pp. 39-40, Recueil d’expériences du Programme LIFE Butor étoilé : Biologie et gestion des habitats du Butor étoilé en France. LPO, Rochefort
21.Davranche A. 2008. Suivi de la gestion des zones humides camarguaises par télédétection en référence à leur intérêt avifaunistique. PhD thesis, University of Provence.

Pedagogical kit

Davranche, A., Tuhácková-Vogel, R., Vogel, X., Vogel, V., Bänsch, A., Chapot, P.-L., & Arzel, C. (2024, juin 5). Imagine the biodiversity of temporary wetlands in European boreal forests, a science-art pedagogical kit made by the team of the POOL project. Zenodo.

Davranche, A., Delaunay, G., & L. van Toor, M. (2024). A map selection of wigeon stopover sites (core areas) based on wetland expert knowledge (Version 1). Zenodo.
Davranche Aurélie, Arzel Céline, Carrasco A. Rita, Pouzet Pierre, Lefebvre Gaëtan, Lague Dimitri, Thibault Marc, Newton Alice, Fleurant Cyril, Maanan Mohamed, & Poulin Brigitte. (2023). Interpolation of the median grain size of the first 2 cm sediment layer in the former saltworks of Salin de Giraud in 2017 (Version 1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Davranche Aurélie, Arzel Céline, Pouzet Pierre, Carrasco A. Rita, Lefebvre Gaëtan, Lague Dimitri, Thibault Marc, Newton Alice, Fleurant Cyril, Maanan Mohamed, & Poulin Brigitte. (2023). Presence of perennial halophilous scrubs in 2016 in the former saltworks of Salins de Giraud, random forest classification on WV2 (Version 1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
Davranche, A. (2024). Winter cumulated water presence of "Loire-Atlantique et abord" calculated with the WIW. Zenodo.
Davranche, A. (2024). Spring-Summer cumulated water presence of "Loire-Atlantique et abord" calculated with the WIW. Zenodo.
Davranche, A. (2024). Spring-Summer cumulated water presence of "Marais Breton nord" calculated with the WIW. Zenodo.
Davranche, A. (2024). Winter cumulated water presence of "Marais Breton nord" calculated with the WIW. Zenodo.

1.Davranche A., Houet T., Gunnarsson G., Kjeller E., Secondi J., Farau S., Leray A., Bobineau M., Lorieux M., Lindberg H., Esa Lientola, Blanchet C., Nummi P. and Arzel C. Monitoring biophysical parameters of wetlands using multispectral drone data, presentation for the session Nature values: Peatland, Rivers, Coasts on 16.2.2023 FinDrones 2023, Salo IoT Campus, Salo, Finland.
2.Davranche A., Arzel C., Nummi P., Sundell J., Loehr J., Kahilainen K., Secondi J., Blanchet C., Minkkinen K., Vasander H., Lindberg H., Seppä H., Sonk-Rautio K., Sigdel U., Lilley T., Manninen-Johansen S., Vihervaara P., Alhainen M., Kara T., J. Ilmonen. (2023) The role of seasonal wetlands as biOdiversity hOtspots and nature-based soLution to water quality decline in the Finnish boreal forest ecosystems. Poster, Oikos Finland 2023 Conference
3.Blanchet C., Davranche A, Nummi P, Kahilainen K. K., Secondi J., Sundell J.& Arzel C. Causes and impacts of water browning in Finnish forest wetlands. Poster, Oikos Finland 2023 Conference
4.Blanchet C., Davranche A., Nummi P., Kahilainen K.K, Lindberg H., Viitala R. & Arzel C. 2022. Browning of a small humic boreal lake – Effect of beaver floods over forestry practices at a catchment scale. The 2nd International Conference for Sustainable Resource Society: Poster, Seizing a sustainable future, 2022.
5.Arzel C., Ducoin M., Blanchet C., Davranche A., Nummi P., Liao W., Sigdel U., Kahilainen K.K., Arvola L., Pöysä H., Rask M., Olin M., Holopainen S., Viitala R., Einola E.and Manninen-Johansen S.2022. Response of aquatic invertebrates to browning of surface water in lakes, beaver ponds and temporary wetlands.
Poster, The 2nd International Conference for Sustainable Resource Society: Seizing a sustainable future, 2022.
6.Davranche A. Wetlands from geomatic to people. 2021. Presentation on invitation, University of Kalmar, 21 th September 2021.
7.Davranche A., Ducoin M., Arzel C., Blanchet C. 2021 Drainage network asssessment and water bronwnification in the Evo, Presentation at Natura 2000 area Post-EBOR meeting in Evo on August 12th-14th 2021.
8.Davranche A., Delaunay G. Evolution de l’usage des sols du bassin versant de Grand Lieu en lien avec la dynamique des habitats des macro-invertébrés benthiques du lac, Université de Nantes, France, juin 2021. Presentation at Journées OSUNA 2021 :
9.Davranche A., Lengagne T. 2020 : Modélisation de réseaux dynamiques pour évaluer l'exposition d'habitats naturels à la pollution lumineuse. Presentation, IXXI systemes complexes de Lyon, ENS-Lyon, France, 18 novembre 2020.
10.Davranche A., Arzel C. 2019: Mismatch - a joint project to assess habitat use of Wigeon at flyway scale by using remote sensing, Presentation, Ottenby Workshop, Sweden, 23-27 september 2019.
11.Rakotoarisoa M., Davranche A., Amiot A., La Jeunesse I., Ballouche A., Fleurant C., Jadas -Hécart A., Landry D. 2012. Un modèle pluie – débit pour l’aide à la quantification des transferts de pesticides dans un petit bassin versant viticole. Poster. Colloque Eau, Milieux et Aménagement: Une recherche au service des territoires. Vendredi 16 et samedi 17 Novembre 2012, Angers.
12.Arzel C., Davranche A. 2012. Assessing habitat suitability for waterbirds along the European flyway using satellite remote sensing. Presentation, Third Pan-European Duck Symposium, Jindřichův Hradec (South Bohemia, Czechia), 26-27th April 2012.
13.Arzel, C., Rönkä M., Davranche A., Elmberg J., Guillemain M., Luhoinen S. & Rainio K.. Why do ducks migrate and how do they adapt to changes in environmental conditions? Presentation. Nessling Foundation’s 6th Environmental Symposium, Espoo, Finland, November 2010.
14.Davranche A., Poulin B., Lefebvre G. 2010. Reedbed monitoring using classification trees and SPOT-5 seasonal time series. Presentation at the International Symposium on Advanced Methods of Monitoring Reed Habitats in Europe - Illmitz 25 - 26 November 2010, Austria.
15.Poulin B., Davranche A., Lefebvre G. 2010. A robust scheme for monitoring indicators of reedbed ecological state by satellite. Presentation at the International Symposium on Advanced Methods of Monitoring Reed Habitats in Europe - Illmitz 25- 26 November 2010, Austria.
16.Davranche A., Arzel C., Pöysä H., Nummi P., Elmberg J., Clausen P., Pellikka P., Lefebvre G.& Poulin.B. 2010. Space based tools to monitor the habitats of migratory waterbirds. Poster at the Nessling symposium "The Global Environmental Change: Messages from Birds", 17-19 November, 2010, Hanasaari in Espoo, Finland. Arques S., Davranche A., Mathevet R., Poulin B., 2007. La « Gap analysis », une étude des biais de protection de la biodiversité. Application aux roselières dans le Grand Delta du Rhône (France). Poster, theme « Biodiversity and territory development », 18èmes Rencontres Régionales de l'Environnement PACA, Atelier Géomatique, 18-19 October 2007, Aix-en-Provence, France.
17.Davranche A. 2006. “Use of remote sensing for monitoring wetland parameters relevant to bird conservation”. Presentation on invitation, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, 4 May 2006.
18.Davranche A., Poulin B., Lefebvre L., Sandoz A., Mondain-Monval J-Y, Ferrier J-P, Grillas P., Diot A., Didier S., Arzel C. 2005. Suivi de la gestion des zones humides camarguaises par télédétection en référence à leur intérêt avifaunistique. Poster, International conference on geomatic and spatial analysis, research and development, SAGEO 2005, Avignon 20-23 June 2005, France.

Externa befattningar

University of Angers department of biology, University of Angers

30 sep. 2001 → …


  • 1172 Miljövetenskap
  • 1181 Ekologi, evolutionsbiologi

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