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Personlig profil



Aleksanteri Institute of Helsinki University


Unioninkatu 40, 00170 Helsinki

0466126330, [email protected]


Scholar.google (H-index – 13), Scopus Author ID: 57189846639 (H-index - 8)

WOS ResearcherID: G-7189-2018 (H-index - 6)



Main scientific interests

State and society relations, Post-socialist transformations, Alternative ways of dispute resolution, Legal culture, Social policy and welfare, Qualitative and digital methods of social research


2021: PhD, The University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Department of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Legislative Studies Program (cum lade).

2002: MA in Sociology, European University at St.Petersburg / Helsinki University, Postgraduate Program in Political Science and Sociology.

Other education and expertise

March – July, 2017: Fulbright Fellowship. Visiting researcher at Elliott School, George Washington University, Washington, US.

January – March, 2015: British Council Researcher Links programme. Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, UK.

March – May, 2011: Visiting Fellow at Aleksanteri Institute Fellowship, Helsinki University.


Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent), German (intermediate), Finnish (beginner).

Software: Python, ChatGPT, PyTorch, Advinote, Nvivo, Atlas.Ti, Moodle, Teams.

Research skills: qualitative research design, qualitative survey design, qualitative analysis of textual and visual data, sampling techniques, data processing.

Management skills: over twenty years of experience in leading research individual and collaborative international projects, leading virtual research networks (https://www.facebook.com/groups/193330904061994), fifteen years of leading editorial board of international peer-review journal Laboratorium (including fundraising, grant management, resource allocation, representing organizational interests and research results in diverse forums).

Current employment

2022 – 2023: Research Fellow at Aleksanteri Institute of Helsinki University.

2011 – present: Leading member of editorial board of international journal “Laboratorium: Review of Social Research” http://soclabo.org.

Previous work experience

2016 – 2022: Associate Professor of The European University at St.Petersburg (EUSPb).

2001 – 2021: Research Fellow at The Centre for Independent Social Research (CISR, St.Petersburg).

Research funding and grants

2023-2026: “Sensing as a Refugee: Vulnerable Bodies on the Move.” Collaborative project supported by Kone Foundation.

2012 – 2021: “Complaints to the Authorities in Russia: A Trap Between Tradition and Legal Modernization.” Individual project, supported by the University of Eastern Finland.

2017 – 2022: “The Layered Cake of Russian-Finnish Neighborness: Everyday Interactions at Different Scales.” Collaborative project, supported by Kone Foundation. Researcher.

2013 – 2015: “Network Governance: a Tool for Understanding Russian Policy Thinking and Policy Making.” Collaborative international project, supported by the Research Council of Norway. Researcher.

2010 – 2012: “Petitions as a form and a means of political communication in Russia”. Collaborative international project, supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) in 1.7.2008-30.6.2012. Researcher in the North-West region of Russia.

Research output


In all about 70 publications

Monographies and special issues (in all 9)

Bogdanova Elena. 2021. Complaints to the Authorities in Russia: A Trap Between Tradition and Legal Modernization. Routledge. ISBN 9781138308725.

Bogdanova Elena (ed.) 2014. “Complaints: Cultures of Grievance in Eastern Europe and Eurasia”. Special issue of Laboratorium: Russian review of social research, 3.

Peer-reviewed scientific articles and books contribution (in all 27)

Bogdanova Elena and Titterton Mike. 2024. “Statebuilding and the Modernisation of Welfare Governance in Russia.” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding18(2): 161–180. https://doi.org/10.1080/17502977.2024.2312771.

Bogdanova Elena. 2019. "Objectives of Russian Law Schools Today: What Is The ‘Ideal Jurist’?" International Journal of the Legal Profession, 29(2-3): 295-320. https://doi.org/10.1080/09695958.2019.1637743.

Bindman Eleanor, Kulmala Meri, Bogdanova Elena. 2019. “NGOs and the policy-making process in Russia: The case of child welfare reform.” Governance, 32: 207–222. https://doi.org/10.1111/gove.12366.  

Bogdanova Elena. 2018. “Obtaining redress for abuse of office in Russia: The Soviet legacy and the long road to administrative justice.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 51(3): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postcomstud.2018.07.002.

Bogdanova Elena, Eleanor Bindman. 2016. “NGOs, Policy Entrepreneurship and Child Protection in Russia:  Pitfalls and Prospects for Civil Society.” Demokratisatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 24 (2) Spring: 143-171.

Art-science experience

Bogdanova Elena. 2018. Performance “The Myth of the Common Good” at public exhibition “If Your Iron Got Broken….” The performance was devoted to practices and problems of neighbors cooperation. Honored by Kurekhin Festival as one of the best science-art projects https://kuryokhin.net/award2019.

Research supervision and leadership experience

2023-2025: De Magistris Luca. “The Creation of Deaf Spaces: Place-Making Practices in the Wake of Displacement from Ukraine.” Master’s Programme in Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies (MAREEES), Aleksanteri Institute of Helsinki University. Master thesis.

2016 – 2022: Supervision of postgraduate students in EUSPb (6 master’s theses and 2 PhD theses).

Teaching merits

MAREEES, Aleksanteri Institute of Helsinki University

Since 2023 – Educational online course “Social Policy and Welfare in Eurasia and Eastern Europe,” (in collaboration with Dr. Anna Tarasenko).

European University at St. Petersburg (Master’s Programme) (in all 6 courses)

2016 – 2023: Educational course “Analysis of Qualitative Data,” 192 hours.

2016-2019: Educational course “Theories of Social Inequalities and Social Stratification,” 192 hours (assisting).

University of Eastern Finland (Graduate and Undergraduate levels) (in all 2 courses)

2013-2020: Educational course for undergraduates of international program “Russian Legal Culture,” 104 hours.

Awards and honours

2012-2013: Winner of the ISA Worldwide Competition of Young Sociologists.

2005: Merit Award Certificate of International Sociological Association, resulting the Worldwide Competition of Young Sociologists.

Other key academic merits, such as

Doctoral dissertation expertise

2022-2023: Member of the International Commission for the Defence of a PhD Thesis by Francesca Chiarvesio, “Anti-corruption in the discourses of civil society actors in Russia.” Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

2016-2022 regular contribution as an official opponent in the defence of PhD (candidate of sciences) theses in Russia – in all 5.

Journal peer-review

Journals: East European Politics, Europe-Asia Studies, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization; The Power, The Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Forum for Anthropology and Culture, etc.

Memberships and affiliations

Member of ASEEES; Member of European Sociological Association; Member of International Sociological Association; Member of Law and Society Association; Member of Research Network “Law and Society in Central and Eastern Europe.”

Conference and panel organization (in all 22)

2022: Annual Conference of Law and Society Association. Presentation of the book “Bogdanova, Elena. 2021. Presentation of the book “Bogdanova, Elena. 2021. Complaints to the Authorities in Russia: A Trap Between Tradition and Legal Modernization. Routledge”.

2016: Panel at Summer Convention of ASEEES "Citizen-to-Authority Communications, and Transparency of Contemporary Russian Governance." Lviv, Ukraine, July 8-11.

2015 – 2016: International conference ““Between the carrot and the stick”: emerging needs and forms for non-state actors including NGOs and informal organizations in contemporary Russia”, supported by CISR, Aleksanteri Institute University of Helsinki, Uppsala University and NIBR, Helsinki (http://www.helsinki.fi/aleksanteri/ajankohtaista/2016/Between_Carrot_and_Stick_Program_ updated_26.1.16B.pdf).

Invited lectures and plenary reports (in all 8)

2017 Invited lecture “Complaining to the President in Contemporary Russia: Historical legacy and New Technologies.” Elliott School of International Affairs, Washington DC April 14.

2015: Open lecture “Complaining to Putin: A Modern (Traditional) Way of Problems Solving in Contemporary Russia”. Kings Colleague, UK, 9 February.


Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation

Legislative Studies, PhD, Complaints to the Authorities in Russia: A Trap Between Tradition and Legal Modernization, University of Eastern Finland

31 okt. 20126 mars 2021

Tilldelningsdatum: 31 juli 2021


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