Foto av Eliisa Onerva Malin
  • Lönnrotinkatu 7




Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil


We farmers are in a fortunate position because we can easily make solutions that enhance the well-being of our environment on the land we manage. My goal as a researcher is to make it easy, rewarding, and profitable.

As well as being a farmer on a crop farm in southern Finland, I am also an agronomist and a PhD researcher. My main subject at the University of Helsinki during my studies was plant pathology. Now, my research gives me a glimpse into farmers' lives and decision-making processes, especially from the perspective of plant protection, but also from the perspective of ecologically and economically sustainable crop production. I do interdisciplinary research, where the natural scientist dives into the deep end of the social sciences and a data-driven qualitative approach. I experience myself as a link between research and farmers, a voice that belongs to both groups and consciously tries to eliminate confrontations.

At Ruralia, I am a second researcher in the CONSERWA social science work package. I assist Toni Ryynänen and lead the farm work package in Finland.

Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation

Maa-ja metsätalous, kasvipatologia, MMM, Helsingin yliopiston maatalous-metsätieteellinen tiedekunta

1 aug. 200023 maj 2005

Tilldelningsdatum: 23 maj 2005

Externa befattningar

Visiting Specialist, Luonnonvarakeskus


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