Personlig profil

Information om forskning och undervisning

Elina E. Ketonen is post-doctoral researcher in educational psychology at University of Helsinki, specialized in advanced statistical methods. She has used cross-sectional, longitudinal, experience sampling and psychophysiological datasets in her research and several statistical methods, such as variable- and person-oriented approaches, multilevel modelling and most recently, intraindividual analyses. On 2019 she spent 4 months in University of Oxford to specialize in analyzing nested experience sampling and psychophysiological datasets and to take advanced statistical courses on Rasch, Bayesian and multilevel modelling. Elina is interested in investigating the relationships between academic emotions, student motivation, learning, and well-being. More specifically, she is interested in exploring what makes people invest their time in studying and what factors predict learning and achievement. She is also interested in how to develop learning environments that foster positive emotions, engagement, and active learning, where enjoyment of learning is enhanced and potential negative emotions are utilized in a productive way.

Utbildning information

PhD (Educational psychology)

Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation

PhD, Helsingfors universitet

Tilldelningsdatum: 16 jan. 2018


  • 516 Pedagogik
  • 515 Psykologi

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