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Lakkala, M., Ilomäki, L., Mikkonen, P., Muukkonen, H., & Toom, A. (2018). Evaluating the pedagogical quality of international summer courses in a university program. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 7(2), 89-104.

Muukkonen, H., Lakkala, M. Toom, A., & Ilomäki, L. (2017). Assessment of competences in knowledge work and object-bound collaboration during higher education courses. In E. Kyndt, V. Donche, K. Trigwell, & S. Lindblom-Ylänne (Eds.) Higher Education Transitions: Theory and Research (pp. 288-305). EARLI book series New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction.

Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M., Toom, A., & Muukkonen, H. (2017). Teacher learning within a multinational project in an upper secondary school. Special Issue Teacher Learning in Changing Professional Contexts. Education Research International.

Tammeorg, P., Mykkänen, A., Rantamäki, T., Lakkala, M., & Muukkonen, H. (2017). Improving group work practices in teaching life sciences: Trialogical learning. Research in Science Education. http://10.1007/s11165-017-9649-8

Holvikivi, J., Lakkala, M., & Muukkonen, H. (2016). Introducing collaborative practices to undergraduate studies. In T. Brinda, N. Mavengere, I. Haukijärvi, C. Lewin, & D. Passey (Eds.) Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 47-55). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-54687-2_5

Holvikivi, J., Muukkonen, H., Vesikivi, P., & Bauters, M. (2016). Teaching working life skills in IT through collaborative practices. Proceedings of the SEFI Annual Conference 2016 Engineering Education on Top of the World: Industry University Cooperation Tampere, Finland, September 12-15, 2016.

Lakkala, M., Toom, A., Ilomäki, L., & Muukkonen, H. (2015). Re-designing university courses to support collaborative knowledge creation practices. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(5), 521-536. DOI:

Goggins, S. Kyza, E.A., Lund, K., Penstein Rosé, C., Puntambekar, S., Yoon, S.A., Johri, A., Muukkonen, H., Steve Rutherford, S., Tsovaltzi, D., & Thomas, J.O. (2015). Mid-Career Workshop. In O. Lindwall, P. Häkkinen, T. Koschmann, P. Tchoukine, & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.), Exploring the material conditins of learning, CSCL 2015 Proceedings (p. 900). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Inkinen, M., Lonka, K., Hakkarainen, K., Muukkonen, H., Litmanen, T., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2014). The location of different challenge-competence relations in two-dimensional core affect space - An experience sampling study using the Contextual Activity Sampling System (CASS). Journal of Happiness Studies, 15, 891-913. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-013-9455-6

Damșa, C., Muukkonen, H., Ludvigsen, S.,  Nerland, M., Lakkala, M., Toom, A., Kosonen, K., Ilomäki, L., Markauskaite, L., Goodyear, P., & Bachfischer, A. (2014). Enrollment of higher education students in professional knowledge and practices. In Polman, J. L., Kyza, E. A., O'Neill, D. K., Tabak, I., Penuel, W. R., Jurow, A. S., O'Connor, K., Lee, T., and D'Amico, L. (Eds.). Learning and becoming in practice (pp. 1283-1292). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Muukkonen, H., Hakkarainen, K., Li, S., & Vartiainen, M. (2014). Tracking mobile workers’ daily activities with the Contextual Activity Sampling System. In A. Marcus (Ed.) HCI International 2014: Design, User Experience and Usability 2014, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 8518 (pp. 289–300). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07626-3_27

Heiskala, M., Palomäki, M., Vartiainen, M., Hakkarainen, K., Muukkonen, H. (2014). A research framework for the smartphone-based contextual study of mobile knowledge work. In A. Marcus (Ed.) HCI International 2014: Design, User Experience and Usability 2014, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 8518 (pp. 246-257). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Vartiainen, M., Palomäki, E., Heiskala, M., Hakkarainen, K., Muukkonen, H., & Salo, K. (2014). Mobiilimenetelmä monipaikkaisen työn tutkimiseen (MobiMe) –Loppuraportti. Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja TIEDE + TEKNOLOGIA, 8/2014. Helsinki.

Muukkonen, H., Kosonen, K., Marttiin, P., Vesikivi, P., Kaistinen, J., & Nyman, G. (2013). Pedagogical design for knowledge creation in customer projects. Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 5(3), 278–297.

Muukkonen, H. (2013). Fenomenbaserat lärande. In L. Ilomäki (red.), Med kvalitet i fokus – e-läromedlen I undervisning och lärande (s. 110-113). Guider och handböcker 2013:6, Utbildningsstyrelsen.

Hyrkkänen, U., Koroma, J., Muukkonen, H., Ojalehto, M., & Vartiainen, M. (2013). Hyvinvointi ja kuormittuminen mobiilissa työssä. Menetelmiä työpaikkaselvitykseen (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun raportteja; 153). Turku.

Kosonen, K., Muukkonen, H., Lakkala, M., & Paavola, S. (2012). Product development course as a pedagogical setting for multidisciplinary professional learning. In A. Moen, A. Mørch & S. Paavola (Eds.), Collaborative Knowledge Creation: Practices, Tools, Concepts (p. 185-202). Sense Publishers.

Lakkala, M., Ilomäki, L., Kosonen, K., Paavola, S., & Muukkonen, H. (2012). Exploring the applicability of Trialogical Design Principles for examining knowledge practices in education. In A. Moen, A.I. Mørch, &S. Paavola (Eds.), Collaborative Knowledge Creation: Practices, Tools, and Concepts (p. 141-161). Sense Publishers.

Muukkonen, H. (2012). Ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen. Teoksessa L. Ilomäki (toim.) Laatua e-oppimateriaaleihin (s 111-114). Opetushallitus. Available online:

Muukkonen-van der Meer, H. (2011). Perspectives on knowledge creating inquiry in higher education. Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Studies in Psychology, 75. Helsinki: Helsinki University Print. Available at:

Muukkonen, H., Lakkala, M., & Paavola, S. (2011). Promoting knowledge creation and object-oriented inquiry in university courses. In S. Ludvigsen, A. Lund, I. Rasmussen, & R. Säljö (Eds.), Learning across sites: New tools, infrastructures and practices. New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction (pp. 172-189). Oxon, UK: Routledge

Muukkonen, H., & Bauters, M. (2011). Suorittamisesta yhdessä luomiseen ja arviointiin: Tiedonluominen ja sosiaalinen media korkeakoulutuksessa. Teoksessa Aaltonen-Ogbeide, T., Saastamoinen, P., Rainio, H. & Vartiainen, T. (toim.), Silmät auki sosiaaliseen mediaan (s. 128-146). Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisuja 3/2011. Helsinki: Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunta (With eyes open to social media: Publications of the Finnish parliament, Committee for the Future).

Paavola, S., Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H., Kosonen, K., & Karlgren, K. (2011). The roles and uses of design principles for developing the trialogical approach on learning. Research in Learning Technology, 19(3), 233-246.

Ludvigsen, S., Damșa, C., & Muukkonen, H. (2011, July). Integrated tool support for learning through knowledge creation: A symposium. Proceedings of the Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning CSCL2011 conference, University of Hong Kong, July 4-8, 2011.  

Paavola, S., Bauters, M., Richter, C., Damșa, C., Karlgren, K., Saarivesi, E., Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H., & Ilomäki, L., (2011, July). Trialogical learning supported by Knowledge Practices Environment. A session organized at the CSCL 2011 Interactive Events, Demonstrations and CSCL in Practice Showcases. University of Hong Kong, July 4-8, 2011

Hyrkkänen, U., Koroma, J., Muukkonen, H., Ojalehto, M., Rautio, M., & Vartiainen, M. (2011). Mobiilin työn työolojen ja työkuormituksen arviointikonsepti (Turun ammattikorkeakoulun raportteja; 103). Turku.

Muukkonen, H., Lakkala, M., Kaistinen, J., & Nyman, G. (2010). Knowledge creating inquiry in a distributed project management course. Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Learning, 5, 73–96.

Muukkonen, H. & Lakkala, M. (2009). Exploring metaskills of knowledge-creating inquiry in higher education. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 4(2), 187–211.

Muukkonen, H., Inkinen, M., Kosonen, K., Hakkarainen, K., Vesikivi, P., Lachmann, H., & Karlgren, K., (2009). Research on knowledge practices with the Contextual Activity Sampling System. In C. O’Malley, D. Suthers, P. Reimann, & A. Dimitracopoulou (Eds.),  Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices: CSCL2009 Conference Proceedings (pp. 385-394). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H., Paavola, S., & Hakkarainen, K. (2008). Designing pedagogical infrastructures in university courses for technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(1), 33-64. Available online

Muukkonen, H., Hakkarainen, K., Inkinen, M., Lonka, K., Salmela-Aro, K. (2008). CASS-methods and tools for investigating higher education knowledge practices. In G. Kanselaar, V. Jonker, P. Kirschner & F. Prins (Eds.), International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences: Cre8ing a Learning World, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference for the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2008), Vol. 2 (pp. 107-115). Utrecht, The Netherlands: ICLS.

Muukkonen, H., Lakkala, M., & Hakkarainen, K. (2008). Technology-mediated Progressive Inquiry in higher education. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second ed. (pp. 3149-3156). Hershey, PA, USA: Information Science Reference.

Muukkonen, H., Hakkarainen, K., Jalonen, S., Kosonen, K., Heikkilä, A., Lonka, K., Inkinen, M., Salmela-Aro, K., Linnanen, J., & Salo, K. (2007). Process- and context-sensitive research on academic knowledge practices: Developing CASS-tools and methods. In C. Chin, G. Erkens, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.). Proceedings of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (pp. 541-543). Rutgers University, Jew Jersey, USA, July 16-21, 2007.

Lallimo, J., Muukkonen, H., Lipponen, L., & Hakkarainen, K. (2007). Trialogical knowledge construction: the use of boundary object in multiprofessional negotiation. In Gruber, H., & Palonen, T. (Eds.), Learning in the workplace (pp. 157-184) (Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia; 32). Finnish Educational Research Association.

Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H., & Sins, P. (Eds.) (2007). D 8.2: Summary of research on KP-Lab courses and technology in education. Research designs, pedagogical models, use of tools, and results of the first KP-Lab studies. A report for the European Commission, KP-Lab Project, IST-2004-27490.

Hakkarainen, K., Ilomäki, L., Paavola, S., Muukkonen, H., Toiviainen, H., Markkanen, H., & Richter, C. (2006). Design principles and practices for the Knowledge-Practices Laboratory (KP-Lab) project. In W. Nejdl, & K. Tochtermann (Eds.): Innovative approaches for learning and knowlede sharing: first European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2006, Crete, Greece, October 1-4, 2006 : proceedings (pp. 603-608). (Lecture notes in computer science; No. 4227).

Muukkonen, H., & Lakkala, M. (2006). Metaskills of collaborative inquiry in higher education. In S. Barab, K. Hay, & D. Hickey (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2006 (pp. 966-967). Mahwah, NJ; Erlbaum.

Muukkonen, H., Lakkala, M., & Hakkarainen, K. (2005). Technology-mediation and tutoring: how do they shape progressive inquiry discourse? The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 14(4), 527-565.

Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H., & Hakkarainen, K. (2005). Patterns of scaffolding in computer-mediated collaborative inquiry. Mentoring & Tutoring, 13(2), 283-302.

Muukkonen, H., Hakkarainen, K., & Lakkala, M. (2004). Computer-Mediated Progressive Inquiry in Higher Education.  In T.S. Roberts (Ed.) Online Collaborative Learning: Theory and Practice (pp. 28-53). Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.

Isotalus, P., Palosaari, A., & Muukkonen, H. (2003). Links with the past. Reading news from PDA and comparing it to other media. Nordicom Review 24 (1): 55-62.

Isotalus, P. & Muukkonen, H. (2002). Animated agent immediacy and news services with handheld computers. Communication Quarterly, 50, 78-92.

Isotalus, P., Palosaari, A., & Muukkonen, H. (2002). Links with the past. Reading news from PDA and comparing it to other media. Nordicom Information, 24, 49-56.

Hakkarainen, K., Muukkonen, H., Lipponen, L., Ilomäki, L., Rahikainen, M., & Lehtinen, E. (2001). Teachers' Skills and Practices of Using ICT and Their Pedagogical Thinking. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 9, 181-197.

Hakkarainen, K., Lipponen, L., Muukkonen, H., & Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P. (2001). Oppimisympäristöjen kognitiivinen tutkimus. Teoksessa P. Saariluoma, M. Kamppinen & A. Hautamäki (toim.) Moderni kognitiotiede (ss. 152-172). Helsinki: Yliopistopaino.

Muukkonen, H., Lakkala, M. & Hakkarainen, K. (2001). Characteristics of university students’ inquiry in individual and computer-supported collaborative study process. In P. Dillenbourg, A. Eurelings, & K. Hakkarainen (Eds.) European Perspectives on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of the first European conference on CSCL (pp. 462-469), University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, March 22-24, 2001.

Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H., Ilomäki, L., Lallimo, J., Niemivirta, M. & Hakkarainen, K. (2001) Approaches for analysing tutor's role in a networked inquiry discourse. In Dillenbourg, P., Eurelings, A. & Hakkarainen, K. (Eds.) European Perspectives on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Proceedings of the first European Conference on CSCL (pp. 389-396), University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, March 22–24, 2001.

Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Raunio, A.-M., Raami, A., Muukkonen, H., & Hakkarainen, K. (2001). Computer-support for collaborative designing. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 11, 181-202.

Hakkarainen, K., Ilomäki, L., Lipponen, L., Muukkonen, H., Rahikainen, M., Tuominen, T., Lakkala, M. & Lehtinen, E. (2000) Students’ Skills and Practices of Using ICT: Results of A National Assessment in Finland. Computers & Education, 34 (2), 103-117.

Hakkarainen, K., Lipponen, L., Ilomäki, L, Järvelä, S., Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H., Rahikainen, M. & Lehtinen, E. (1999). Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka tutkivan oppimisen välineenä [Information and communication technology as a tool in progressive inquiry]. Helsingin kaupungin opetusvirasto. Helsinki: Multiprint.

Lehtinen, E., Hakkarainen, K., Lipponen, L., Rahikainen, M. & Muukkonen, H. (1999). Computer supported collaborative learning: A review of research and development. The J.H.G.I Giesbers Reports on Education, 10. Department of Educational Sciences University of Nijmegen.

Muukkonen, H., Hakkarainen, K. & Lakkala, M. (1999) Collaborative Technology for Facilitating Progressive Inquiry: The Future Learning Environment Tools. In C. Hoadley & J. Roschelle (Eds.) The proceedings of the CSCL ’99 conference, December 12-15, 1999, Palo Alto, pp. 406-415. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.

Leinonen, T., Raami, A., Mielonen, S., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Muukkonen, H. & Hakkarainen, K. (1999) FLE – Tools Prototype: A WWW-Based Learning Environment for Collaborative Knowledge Building. In E. Rämö (Ed.) Proceedings of ENABLE99 (Enabling Networked-Based Learning). June 2-5, 1999, Espoo, Finland.

Hakkarainen, K., Laine, P., Syri, J., Keltanen, M., Muukkonen, H., Lipponen, L., ... Mol, T. (1999). An intermediate evaluation report of Netd@ys 1998 experience: European Commission DGXXII.

Ilomäki, L., Laine, P., Syri, J., Lallimo, J. A., Rahikainen, M., Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H. & Lehtinen, E. (1999). Tekniset ratkaisut ja pedagogiset mahdollisuudet.: 2. Seurantaraportti Helsingin koulujen tietoteknisistä edellytyksistä. (Helsingin kaupungin opetusviraston julkaisusarja; Vol. 1999, No. A12). Helsinki: Helsingin kaupungin opetusvirasto.

Hakkarainen, K., Lipponen, L., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M., Muukkonen, H., Rahikainen, M., & Lehtinen, E. (1999). Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka tutkivan oppimisen välineenä. Multiprint Oy.

Muukkonen, H., Rahikainen, M., Hakkarainen, K., Lakkala, M., Lipponen, L., Ilomäki, L., & Lehtinen, E. (1999). Oppilaiden tietotekninen osaaminen sekä oppimis- ja tietokäsitykset. Helsingin kaupungin opetusviraston julkaisusarja A4:1999.

Leinonen, T. & Muukkonen, H. (1998). Future Learning Environment - innovative methods and applications for collaborative learning. Arttu Design Research: Consuming / Media, 5-6, 42-43.


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PhD (Psychology)

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Professor in Educational Psychology, University of Oulu, University of Oulu

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