Foto av Jan Weckström
  • PL 65 (Viikinkaari 1)



  • Viikinkaari 1, Biocentre 3

    00790 Helsinki


1995 …2025

Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil

Information om forskning och undervisning

I am an adjunct professor in palaeoecology and I am interested in a broad range of research questions related to environmental change (see my list of publications). I am mainly using diatoms as indicators of past and present environmental change with the main focus on Subarctic/Arctic environments, especially lakes. I have earned my master's degree in physical geography and defended my doctoral thesis in hydrobiology.  I have worked in over 20 international and national projects.  Currently I am a University Researcher at the University of Helsinki and I am leading two large projects funded by The Finnish Cultural foundation (VesiMon; and the Research Council of Finland (Browning lakes in the greening Arctic). In addition, I am responsible for forensic diatom analysis coordinated by the National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL).


  • 1172 Miljövetenskap

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.