Forskningsresultat per år
Forskningsresultat per år
PL 65 (Viikinkaari 1)
Viikinkaari 1, Biocentre 3
00790 Helsinki
Forskningsoutput per år
CV, Jonna Katharina Kulmuni (former Saapunki), ORCID: 0000-0002-8852-0793, Born: 31.7.1982 Finspång Sweden, Citizenship: Finnish, Website:
I am interested in understanding evolution from molecular level to processes acting in natural populations. Currently I am six years post PhD and have published 12 papers including two in PNAS and one in TREE. Five of my papers have been cited more than 25 times. Altogether I have raised over 1,7 Million € for my research and have been the main supervisor in over ten projects.
1. Degrees awarded
Sept. 2018 Title of Docent, Evolutionary Biology,University of Helsinki, Finland
Sept. 2013 PhD, Genetics, University of Oulu, Finland, PhD thesis “Genetic differences between species and their implications for speciation and adaptation in ants” supervised by Prof. Pekka Pamilo
Oct. 2010 MSc, Science communication, University of Oulu, Finland, MSc thesis: “Public understanding of evolution”
Dec. 2006 MSc, Biology, University of Oulu, Finland, Master’s thesis: “Genetic differences between sexes and population structure in Formica aquilonia” supervised by Prof. Pekka Pamilo
2. Employment history
2019- Academy of Finland research fellow, University of Helsinki, (team of 6 people)
2017- 19 Principal Investigator, Group leader (team of 5 people), funded as HiLIFE fellow and Marie Curiefellow
2017-18 Independent Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Helsinki, CoE Biological Interactions,
Academy of Finland post-doctoral fellowship to Dr. Kulmuni
2017 Independent Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Helsinki, CoE Biological Interactions
Human Frontiers Science Program Long-term Fellowship to Dr. Kulmuni
2014-16 Independent Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Sheffield, UK, working with Prof. Butlin
Human Frontiers Science Program Long-term Fellowship to Dr. Kulmuni, Cultural foundation grant to Dr. Kulmuni
2013-14 Post-Doctoral researcher, University of Helsinki, working with Prof. Sundström
Funded by Centre of Excellence in Biological Interactions and Post doc pool grant to Dr. Kulmuni
2007-2013 PhD student, Supervisor Prof. Pekka Pamilo, University of Oulu, Biocenter graduate school grant to Kulmuni
3. Career breaks
2013 On maternity leave for 10 months during (2nd child)
2011 On maternity leave for 10 months (1st child)
4. Research funding
2019- Academy of Finland fellow (5-years), , PI Dr. Kulmuni, Project: “Evolution through time and space in hybrid populations” (900 000 €)
2017- HiLIFE fellowship, PI Dr. Kulmuni, Project: “Speciation in Ants” (180 000€)
2018 HiLIFE Grand Challenge “Understanding Biological Resilience”, Helsinki Institute of Life Science, co-investigator, original idea was developed by Prof. Thorogood, Prof. Primmer and me (180 000€)
2017 Marie Curie fellow, PI Dr. Kulmuni, project “SpecIAnt” (Speciation In Ants) (190 000 €)
2017 Academy of Finland post-doctoral fellowship, PI Dr. Kulmuni, Project: “Solving Darwin’s mystery: The origin of species and its genetic and epigenetic basis” (300 000 €)
2015 Grant from University of Sheffield to Dr. Kulmuni to hire a student for summer project
2015 Grant from University of Sheffield to Dr. Kulmuni to hire a student for On CampUS Placement project
2015 Finnish Cultural Foundation grant, PI Dr. Kulmuni, 22 000 € for laboratory & traveling expenses
2014 Human Frontiers Science Program Long-term fellowship, PI Dr. Kulmuni, Project: “The role of methylation and gene expression in hybrid incompatibilities and speciation” (3 years, 155 000 €)
2013 Foundations post doc pool grant, PI Dr. Kulmuni, Project: The genetic and epigenetic basis of speciation in mound-building wood ants” (2 year grant for post-doctoral research, of which 6 months / 30 000 € used)
2009-2013 Biocenter Oulu Graduate School position to J Kulmuni, four-year grant for PhD studies
5. Leadership and supervision
Current Leading a team consisting of 3 PhD students, 1 post doc and 2 MSc students in 2019
2019- Primary supervisor for MSc student (Elisa Nygård, Univ. Helsinki) Secondary supervisor for Beatriz Portinha, Lisbon University, Portugal)
2018- Primary supervisor of Postdoctoral researcher Pierre Nouhaud, Univ. of Helsinki
2019- Primary supervisor of PhD student Raphael Martin-Roy, Univ. of Helsinki
2018- Primary supervisor of PhD student Ina Satokangas, Univ. of Helsinki
2016- Primary supervisor of PhD student Jack Beresford, Univ. of Helsinki
Past Primary supervisor of 9 student projects (2 MSc & 6 interns) (Univ. Helsinki & Sheffield 2014-2018)
6. Teaching
2017-19 Planned and Co-organized a new MSc course in Evolutionary Biology, Helsinki (Topic: Detecting natural selection from DNA sequences, Genetics of speciation and adaptation) contact teaching hours: 28 h/year
2015, 2016 Teaching on BSc course “Topics in Evolutionary Genetics”, Sheffield, UK (contact teaching hours 20, Topic: Genetics of speciation)
2014, 2015 Guest lecturer on BSc course “Evolutionary Biology”, Sheffield, UK (2h/year, Topic: Social Evolution)
2014, 2017-18 Lecturer on a BSc course “Evolutionary Biology”, Helsinki (6h/ year, Topic: Genome evolution, Molecular Evolution and phylogenomics)
2012 Teaching on BSc course “Principles of Evolutionary Biology”, Helsinki (8h, Topic: Population genetics)
7. Awards & Other Academic Merits
2020 Invited opponent for PhD thesis, University of Innsbruck
2018 Invited mentor for Gordon Research Seminar in Speciation, Ventura CA
2018 Co-organizing the weekly Organismal and Evolutionary Biology seminar, University of Helsinki
2017 Selected junior talk at the Gordon Research Conference in Speciation (Italy)
2017 Referee for BBSRC grant application
2015-2016 Organizing the weekly Evolution, Ecology and Environment seminar, University of Sheffield, UK
2014 Second best talk in National Molecular Ecology Meeting (Turku, Finland)
2008-2014 Organizer in 3 scientific meetings in Finland (e.g. Biocenter Day Oulu, Nordforsk meeting)
Scientific output
Total scientific publications: 12 (+ 2 in Biorxiv) out of which 8 without my PhD supervisor
h-index: 7, citations: 236 (51 citation in year 2018), two papers in PNAS (IF 9.5), one in MBE (IF 10.2) and one in TREE (IF 15.2). I have presented at 21 conferences and given a talk in three previous international evolutionary biology, ESEB meetings (1400-1700 participants). Organized symposium at scientific meetings ESEB (France) and IUSSI (Helsinki). Lead guest Editor in Special Issue in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
Refereed for
TREE, Evolution letters, Insectes Sociaux, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Molecular Ecology, Zoologica Scripta, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Ecological Entomology, Heredity, Myrmecological News, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, PeerJ
Invited speaker
2014-2020 Univ. of Edinburgh, Univ. of Sheffield, Univ. of Innsbruck, SMBE workshop in Speciation Genomics (Sweden), University of Cambridge, University of Turku, Eawag (Switzerland), University of Oulu, Gullbeckian Institute Lisbon, University of Regensburg, Invited talk at International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI) meeting, Cairns, Australia
Biology, population genetics, PhD, Genetic differences between species and their implications for adaptation and speciation in ants, University of Oulu, Oulu
… → 2013
Science communication, Msc, Public Understanding of Evolution, University of Oulu, Oulu
… → 2010
Biology, Msc, University of Oulu, Oulu
… → 2006
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Översiktsartikel › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig
Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Översiktsartikel › Peer review
Kulmuni, J. (Projektledare), Jämsä, S. (deltagare), Krapf, P. (deltagare), Poikela, N. P. (deltagare) & dos Reis Silva, F. J. (deltagare)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2026
Projekt: Finlands Akademi: Akademiprojektsbidrag
Kulmuni, J. (Projektledare), Borge Rouco, L. (deltagare), Gonzaga Roa, A. (deltagare), Heidbreder, P. (deltagare), Karellos, A. E. (deltagare) & Krapf, P. (deltagare)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2024
Projekt: Finlands Akademi: Akademiforskarens forskningskostnader
Sundström, L. (Principal Investigator), Kokko, H. (Principal Investigator), Bos, N. (Deltagare), Freitak, D. (Deltagare), Salmela, H. (Deltagare), Helanterä, H. (Deltagare), Johansson, H. (Deltagare), Laakso, J. (Deltagare), Seppä, P. (Deltagare), Lindström, S. (Deltagare), Morandin, C. (Deltagare), Paviala, J. (Deltagare), Pekkonen, M. (Deltagare), Pulliainen, U. (Deltagare), Ozan, M. (Deltagare), Schultner, E. (Deltagare), Stucki, D. (Deltagare), Wolf, J. (Deltagare), Galarza, J. (Deltagare), Kulmuni, J. (Deltagare), Hakala, S. M. (Deltagare) & Dhaygude, K. (Deltagare)
01/01/2012 → 31/12/2017
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Kulmuni, J. (!!Recipient), 2014
Pris: Pris och hedersbetygelser
Kulmuni, J. (!!Recipient), 2017
Pris: Pris och hedersbetygelser
Kulmuni, J. (Handledare)
Aktivitet: Examinationstyper › Handledare eller bihandledare av doktorsavhandling
Kulmuni, J. (Handledare)
Aktivitet: Examinationstyper › Handledare eller bihandledare av doktorsavhandling
Kulmuni, J. (Handledare)
Aktivitet: Examinationstyper › Handledning av annat kunskapsprov (pro gradu, licentiatavhandling)
Kulmuni, J. (Handledare)
Aktivitet: Examinationstyper › Handledning av annat kunskapsprov (pro gradu, licentiatavhandling)
Kulmuni, J. (Handledare)
Aktivitet: Examinationstyper › Handledning av annat kunskapsprov (pro gradu, licentiatavhandling)