Foto av Julian Honkasalo
  • PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38)




Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil

Information om forskning och undervisning

Current research interests


My current research interests include philosophy of democracy, democratic theory, freedom of speech, online hate speech, democratic debate and argumentation, anti-gender mobilizing, Michel Foucault, Hannah Arendt.


I am currently writing a non-fiction book about free speech. The project has received funding from Suomen Tietokirjailijat ry. and Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse. 


Previous research projects


Trans Futures: Theorizing Community Building as Resistance to Biopolitics (Academy of Finland and The Finnish Cultural Foundation 2019-2023)

A key point of examination of my current research project is the question of how shared representations of struggle shape the ways in which future and community are conceptualized. The project theorizes transgender resistance and agency in the plural, as multiple practices that are context-dependent, local and challenge predominant, pathologizing regimes of truth. The project complicates the simplistic logic of community as based either on identity-politics and recognition or subversive anti-futurity. A characteristic of trans community-building is care and memory preservation as a means of resisting state-legitimated and socially sanctioned forms of oppression and violence. The research project utilizes archival material in the US and the Nordic Countries.


Unfit for Citizenship: Eugenics and the Pathologization of Gender Nonconformity (Kone Foundation 2016-2019) advances and reconstructs earlier scholarly literature on 20th century eugenic discourses by examining the phenomenon of gender reassignment -related sterilization legislation in Scandinavian countries from a queer-theoretical and historical perspective. The research project aims to understand and answer the following questions: 1) how do certain forms of embodiment and gender expression come to be viewed as legitimately subjected to state-sanctioned sterilization? 2) What do various moral, psychiatric and political techniques around gender non-conforming embodiment and subjectivity reveal about a society, the nation-state, and notions of citizenship?


 Teaching experience
  • Feminist politics in the age of far-right radicalization (in Finnish), Avoin Yliopisto/Open University, University of Helsinki, spring 2024.
  • Introduction to gender studies (in Finnish), Gender Studies, Department of Cultures, University of Helsinki. Fall 2023.

  • Argumentation and critique in feminist theory (in Finnish). Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, spring and fall terms 2021.

  • Trans/feminism, SKY doctoral program PhD seminar with Prof. Susan Stryker. Helsinki, March 5-6.2020.
  • SPT-375 Introduction to feminist trans- and disability studies (in Finnish). Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, fall 2018.

  • SPT-373 Feminist research on violence (in Finnish). Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, spring 2018.

  • Introduction to Feminist Thought and Action. Teaching Assistant for Prof. Ann Snitov, gender studies, The New School, USA. Fall, 2015.

  • WNA310 Feminist Interpretations of Hannah Arendt. Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, Spring 2014.

  • FFI220 The history of the mind-body problem. Department of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Helsinki, spring, 2008.

  • The History of the Philosophy of Mathematics (in Swedish). Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, fall 2007.

I also conduct speaking engagements and educating in the areas of equality and diversity as well as hate speech encoutering in the work environment. You can book me by sending an e-mail to julian.honkasalo(at)




Utbildning information


  • Ph.D in political theory, Department of Political Science, The New School for Social Research, USA, 2017. Advisor: Prof. Andreas Kalyvas.
  • Ph.D in gender studies, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki, 2016. Advisor: Prof. Tuija Pulkkinen.
  • MA in political science, Department of Political Science, The New School for Social Research (USA) 2010. Advisor: Prof. Andreas Kalyvas.
  • MA in philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Finland, 2006. Advisor: doc. Martina Reuter.

Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation

Political theory , PhD, Superfluous Lives: An Arendtian Critique of Biopolitics, The New School for Social Research

31 aug. 201015 dec. 2017

Tilldelningsdatum: 15 dec. 2017

Gender studies, PhD, Sisterhood, Natality, Queer: Reframing Feminist Interpretations of Hannah Arendt, Genusforskning

aug. 201023 jan. 2016

Tilldelningsdatum: 23 jan. 2016

Externa befattningar

PhD, The New School for Social Research

31 aug. 201031 dec. 2017


  • 6160 Övriga humanistiska vetenskaper
  • 611 Filosofi
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