Personlig profil

Information om forskning och undervisning

Kati Kallio is an Academy Research Fellow specialising in Kalevalaic oral poetry and historical oral-literary interactions. She is leads, with Eetu Mäkelä, the consortium FILTER (Formulaic intertextuality, thematic networks and poetic variation across regional cultures of Finnic oral poetry, Academy of Finland, 2020–2024), developing computational means to explore the Finnish-Estonian-Karelian-Ingrian corpus of oral poetry. With Senni Timonen and Lari Ahokas, she is working on a scholarly open access edition of early modern Finnish charms.

Research interests: Finnic oral poetry, performance, poetics, recording history, intertextuality, local genres, oral-literary interaction, early modern charms, Olaus Sirma

Externa befattningar

Academy Research Fellow, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden Seura

1 sep. 202131 aug. 2026

Postdoctoral researcher of the Academy of Finland, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura

1 sep. 201710 dec. 2020

Postdoctoral researcher, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran

1 feb. 201631 aug. 2017

Researcher, Finnish Literature Society (SKS)

1 jan. 201115 maj 2015


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