Personlig profil

Information om forskning och undervisning

The focus of research is microbial ecology and microbes important for ecosystem functioning.

Some reserach lines can be distinguished: microbes in peatlands related to climate change and production of greenhouse gases, microbes in contaminated soils and their potential for degradation of hydrocarbons and changing oxidation states of heavy metals; microbes living in association to plants and their interaction with contaminants; the effect of biofertilizers on microbes in agricultural lands and on soil fertility.

Teaching deals with microbial ecology and environmental biotechnology.  

Molecular Environmental Microbiology Group



  • 1183 Växtbiologi, mikrobiologi, virologi
  • 219 Miljöbioteknologi
  • 411 Jordbruks- och skogsvetenskaper

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.