Foto av Kirsi Pyhältö
  • PL 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 1A)



  • Finland


Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil


Kirsi Maria Pyhältö (born Myllymaki)

Work address: Siltavuorenpenger 5 A (P.O. Box 9) Department of Behavioural Sciences, 00014 University of Helsinki
e-mail: kirsi.pyhalto at
phone: +358-50-5150 132

Language skills: Finish (native), English (excellent), Swedish (good)

Academic degrees:
2010: Adjunct Professor in Educational Pshychology

2009: Appointment to the position of Principal Investigator, University of Helsinki, Finland

2004: Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology

2000: Master of Education in Educational Psychology, Department of Teacher Training, Unit of Edcucationla Psychology, University of Helsinki

Please read more about professional experience, research grants and other academic activities, enclosed below. 





Utbildning information

Dosentti, (kasvatuspsykologia)


  • 516 Pedagogik

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.