Personlig profil



2010: Docent

2011 ~ 2016: Academy Finland research fellow


2001: Alfthan Prize (Finnish Chemistry Society)

2001: The best academic dissertation of the year,Viikki Biocenter,Finland(Viikki Biocenter Scientific Committee)

Employment/Working experiences:

1993 ~ 1994: Residential doctor in Division of Cardiovascular diseases, Beijing AnZhen Hospital, China

1995 ~ 2000: PhD researcher in Division of Biochemistry, Department of Biological and Environmental sciences, University of Helsinki

2001: Postdoctoral research fellow in Prof. Carl G. Gahmberg’s lab, University of Helsinki, research on integrin and leukocyte adhesion.

2002 ~ 2004: Scientist in MediCel Ltd., Helsinki, Finland

2005 ~ 2007: Senior research scientist in Prof. Carl G. Gahmberg’s lab, University of Helsinki, research on neuroinflammation.

2008 ~ 2010: Senior research scientist in Prof. Heikki Rauvala’s lab, Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki, research on neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases.

2011 ~ 2016: Academy research fellow, Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki, research on neuro-immune interaction in brain and immune diseases.

Academic experiences:

Training of the undergraduate students on basic laboratory techniques, biochemistry, cell biology, and molecular biology (1999~present).

Supervisor of MSc thesis:  Päivi Lammi (2006), Lin Ning (2007)

Co-Supervisor of PhD thesis: Henrietta Nyman-Huttunen (thesis defended in June 2011), Lin Ning (2007~present)

Supervisor of PhD thesis: Zhilin Li, Li Ma, Sami Piirainen


Utbildning information


July, 1987 ~ July, 1993:Department of Medicine, Collage of Medicine, PekingUniversity(BeijingMedicalUniversity), Degree: MD

January, 1995 ~ January, 2001: Division of Biochemistry, Department of Biosciences, Universityof Helsinki, Degree: PhD (with distinction)


  • 3111 Biomedicinska vetenskaper
  • 3112 Neurovetenskaper

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