Personlig profil


Marja Laasonen is an adjunct professor and principal investigator at the University of Helsinki,  as well as a researcher at the Helsinki University Hospital. Since 2021, Laasonen's main position has been Professor of Logopedics (Speech-Language Therapy) at the University of Eastern Finland. In addition to extensive experience as a clinician, Laasonen has conducted research for 20 years in the areas of developmental and learning difficulties including dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, and developmental language disorders. The specific focus of her research has been the general information-processing mechanisms associated with these disorders. In the most important recent project, Laasonen concentrates on developmental language disorders at multiple levels of analysis in a longitudinal setting. 

Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation

University pedagogics, Teacher, Helsingfors universitet

Tilldelningsdatum: 24 nov. 2020

Special psychologist in neuropsychology, Helsingfors universitet

Doctor of psychology, Helsingfors universitet

Adjunct professor, Helsingfors universitet

Externa befattningar

Professor, Itä-Suomen yliopisto

2021 → …

Professor, Turun yliopisto



  • 515 Psykologi

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.