Personlig profil


From September 2022 onwards I am Senior Research Fellow of Tampere Peace Research Institute and Docent in Global Development Studies at University of Helsinki.

An ethnographer and film documentarist with eyes on feminisms & global politics of post-conflict/disaster reconstruction. Having finished my Head of Discipline and University Lecturer positions (2020-22) I am currently writing up my research ‘Gendered Political Violence and Urban Post-Disaster Reconstruction’ (Academy of Finland Fellow 2015-2020) which studies the intersection of gender, disaster politics, political violence, and national ideologies in post-disaster urban Gujarat, India and gendered urban politics in the city of Banda Aceh in the aftermath of the 2005 Aceh peace process.

My PhD focused on the politics and normativity of gender mainstreaming initiatives in the post-tsunami and post-conflict reconstruction efforts in Aceh, Indonesia. In my postdoctoral research (2012-15), I continued with street ethnography in Banda Aceh focusing on post-disaster/conflict memoryspaces, social and spatial vernacular memory as a site of struggle: provoking norms in relation to gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality, and religion, through normative calls for gendered piety and propiety. In 2014 I started combining ethnography and life history methods with documentary film. More information to be found in

Externa befattningar

Adjunct Faculty/Visiting Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

15 juli 201715 dec. 2017


  • 5203 Globala utvecklingsstudier
  • 5172 Världspolitik
  • 999 Övriga

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.