Foto av Markku Kangaspuro
  • PL 24 (Unioninkatu 40)



  • Finland

1998 …2024

Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil


Expertise: Political history, especially the former Soviet Union and new Russia; political development of Russia; identities and nationalism; modernization and development problems.

Administrative expertise: research leader, PI, programme management 


Current Position

2018 -          Director

2011 -          Professor (from 10.5.2011)

2010 -          Vice Director, Aleksanteri Institute (from 26.11.2010)

2009  -         Research Director, Aleksanteri Institute


Education and degrees awarded


1991            MA in History, University of Joensuu

1996            Phil.Lic in History, University of Joensuu

2000            Doctor of Philosophy in history, (Dissertation graded Eximia cum laude approbatur)

                  University of Joensuu

2001            Docent, political history in the faculty of Political Sciences - University of Helsinki

2002            Docent, Russian History in the faculty of History - University of Joensuu

Utbildning information

MA 1991
Ph.D. 2000


  • 6160 Övriga humanistiska vetenskaper
  • 615 Historia och arkeologi
  • 5201 Politisk historia