Markku Roinila, Information specialist

Docent/Adjunct Professor

  • PL 53 (Fabianinkatu 30)



1995 …2023

Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil


I am working as an information specialist in Research Services of the Helsinki University Library. Among my tasks are open science, self-archiving, open publishing services, data support, research visibility and altmetrics. I am also a library liaison for philosophy and digital humanities.

I also hold a title of docent in theoretical philosophy, Faculty of Arts in University of Helsinki. I am specialized in Early Modern philosophy, especially Leibniz and moral psychology. I am also interested in the philosophy of dreams and emotions. 


I am working as an information specialist in Research Services of the Helsinki University Library. Among my tasks are open science, self-archiving, open publishing services, data support, research visibility and altmetrics. I am also a library liaison for philosophy and digital humanities.

I hold a title of docent in theoretical philosophy, Faculty of Arts in University of Helsinki. I am a specialist in Early Modern philosophy, especially Leibniz and moral psychology. I am also interested in dreams.

Utbildning / akademisk kvalifikation

Teoreettinen filosofia, FT, Humanistiska fakulteten

Tilldelningsdatum: 11 sep. 2017

Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelujen opintokokonaisuus (60 op), Tampereen yliopisto

Tilldelningsdatum: 23 sep. 2016


  • 611 Filosofi