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Dr. Marta Lorenzon (PhD in Archaeology, University of Edinburgh) is an archaeologist and architectural specialist. Her research concentrates on developing an interdisciplinary methodology in the study of ancient architecture, combining geoarchaeology, building archaeology and computational archaeology. Since 2005 she has worked in the Mediterranean region, in the Americas, Africa and Asia with a research focus in earthen architecture, knowledge of production, craft specialization and identity construction.

Currently, Lorenzon's research at ANEE concentrates primarily on the built environment as a key instrument to investigate the process of identity creation in ancient and modern times, the relationship between power and architecture in the first millennium BCE, and the use of computational archaeology in diachronic settlements analysis. Her core expertise lies in the building archaeology, computational methods, geo-ethnoarchaeology and community outrearch. 


  • 615 Historia och arkeologi
  • 211 Arkitektur
  • 1171 Geovetenskaper
  • 5143 Social- och kulturantropologi

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.