Foto av Mika Rekola
  • PL 27 (Latokartanonkaari 7)




Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil


Dr. Mika Rekola is working as a university lecturer and director of MSc programme of forest sciences at the University of Helsinki, Helsinki. Mika has long career along with university education development. He is coordinator for the forest education research group of International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). see

He was recently main consultant in the Global Assessment of Forest Education coordinated by FAO-IUFRO-ITTO (

One of the past projects was IUFRO-IFSA Global Outlook on Forest Education where students from all continents were interviewing professionals and studying competencies in forestry (


  • 4112 Skogsvetenskap
  • 516 Pedagogik

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.