Foto av Pamela Slotte
  • PL 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 1A)



  • PL 42 (Unioninkatu 33)



  • Finland


Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil

Information om forskning och undervisning

Vice-director of the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (Academy of Finland 1.1.2018-31.12.2025)

Professor of Religion and Law, Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Åbo Akademi University

Principle Investigator in the HERA-funded project Protestant Legacies in Nordic Law: Uses of the Past in the Construction of the Secularity of Law (1.9.2016-30.11.2019):

Docent of research in religion and law at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki

Docent of theological ethics with philosophy of religion at the Faculty of Theology, Åbo Akademi University


Some recent positions:

Visiting research fellow at the Research Institute at Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations at Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain (22.9-26.11.2022)

Associate professor (tenure track) in minority studies, Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Åbo Akademi University (1.9.2016-31.8.2020)

Academy research fellow (Academy of Finland 1.9.2013-31.8.2018). Topic of research: Management of the Sacred: A Critical Inquiry.

Visiting scholar at the Religion, Law and International Relations Programme, Regent's Park College, Oxford University, United Kingdom (10.6-6.7.2018)

Visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, United States (September-December 2016)

Visiting research fellow at Department of Society and Globalisation (ISG), University of Roskilde (March-April 2014)

Senior researcher in the research project Natural Rights and Needs in Medieval and Early Modern Politics (Academy of Finland 2012-2015), at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki

Senior research fellow in the research project Human Rights: Law, Religion and Subjectivity (Academy of Finland 2009-2013), at the Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki

Post-doctoral researcher in the Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research (2006-2011).

Post-doctoral research project (Academy of Finland 2009-2011). Topic of research: On human rights and religious personhood: Some conceptual remarks.


Special fields of interest: Human rights, freedom of religion or belief, political theology, moral philosophy, legal philosophy, law & religion

Externa befattningar

Professor of Religion and Law, Åbo Akademi Univeristy

1 sep. 2020 → …


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  • 513 Juridik

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