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Personlig profil


I was born in Ourinhos-SP (Brazil) in 1981. I received his BS and MS in Chemistry in 2003 and 2005, respectively, both from the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil. In 2005, I was a recipient of a Fulbright/Capes Fellowship to pursue my Ph.D. in the USA and joined Professor Younan Xia’s group at the University of Washington (Seattle). In 2007, the Xia group relocated to Washington University in Saint Louis, where I obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering in 2009.  In 2011, I was hired as an Assistant Professor at the University of São Paulo. I was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015 and to Full Professor in 2018. In February of 2019, I relocated to a Professor position at the University of Helsinki, Department of Chemistry. My research interests include the synthesis of nanomaterials for nanocatalysis and plasmonic nanocatalysis. I serve as an Editor of the Journal of Materials Science, as an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, and as an affiliated member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.​ 


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