Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil

Information om forskning och undervisning

My research interests cover a wide area ranging from biomaterials, photo-activated molecules and nanoparticles to drug release and release modeling.

Recently I’ve been most interested in

  • Photon upconversion, using light as a tool for studying and controlling nanosystems
  • Controlling the adhesion, permeation and drug release from drug nanoparticles and drug loaded matrices.
  • Utilization of nanofibrillar cellulose in drug release applications.
  • Release modelling from drug (nano)formulations.


Short CV

Publication and citation data can also be found at https://www2.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6701550477 and http://scholar.google.fi/citations?user=U0pw3zUAAAAJ

Education and docentships

  • Docent, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sep. 2010
    Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
  • Doctor of Science (Technology), Helsinki University of Technology, Aug. 2007
  • Master of Science (Technology), Helsinki University of Technology, Nov. 2002

Current Positions

  • Professor (Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology), since 9/2019, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Past work experience

Tampere University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

  • Professor (Chemistry), 2019-2020
  • Associate Professor, 2016-2018

At University of Helsinki, Division of Pharmaceutical Technology:

  • Academy research fellow (Academy of Finland), September 2012 - December 2015.
  • Postdoctoral researcher (UH postdoctoral researcher position 2009-2012), March 2007 – August 2012.

At Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry:

  • Postgraduate student, January 2004 – February 2007.
  • Diploma worker, February – November 2002.

International visits

  • Helmholz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011. Six months as a visiting scientist.
  • Kyoto University, Faculty of Engineering, Functional Materials Group, Kyoto, Japan, 2003. One year as a visiting PhD student.


  • Awarded the Young Researcher's Award 2012 by the Faculty of Pharmacy for the research done between 2007-2011.
  • Awarded the Gust. Komppa prize for the best chemistry thesis of
    2007 by Suomalaisten kemistien seura (Association of Finnish Chemists).


  • 317 Farmaci
  • 221 Nanoteknologi
  • 116 Kemi

Internationellt och inhemskt samarbete

Publikationer och projekt inom de senaste fem åren.