• PL 28 (Koetilantie 5)



  • Viikinkaari 1, Biokeskus 3

    00790 Helsinki


1992 …2024

Forskningsoutput per år

Personlig profil


My research focuses on farm businesses, mainly from two different perspectives. Firstly, I study the management and decision-making at the farm level. Secondly, I am interested in the measurement of productivity and efficiency and utilization their metrics to support decision making. In particular, my research has focused on productivity development and the factors that influence it, as productivity is a key factor for the farmer to influence the profitability of his business. Efficiency I have examined in particular from two perspectives: how the factors that cause differences in efficiency can be taken into account in farm comparisons and to what extent can the measured inefficiency be eliminated in practice. This also includes the dynamics of efficiency linked to farm specific development over time.

Previous professional appointments

Short periods in Advisory service, Agricultural Economics Research Institute and private firms in 1979-1982; University of Helsinki, assistant 1.11.1982 - 10.6.1984; Military service, 11.6.1984 - 6.5.1985 (lieutenant 1990, first lieutenant 1997); University of Helsinki, assistant 7.5.1985 - 31.8.1985; University of Helsinki, researcher 1.9.1985 - 28.2.1987; University of Helsinki, assistant 1.3.1987 - 31.12.1989; Academy of Finland, research assistant 1.1.1990 - 31.7.1995; University of Helsinki, researcher 1.8.1995 - 31.12.2002;

MTT Economic Research, senior researcher, 1.1.2003 - 31.7.2008; MTT Economic Research, principal research scientist, 1.8.2008 – 30.9.2008; MTT Economic Research, research manager of business economy, 1.10.2008 -31.12.2009;

University of Helsinki, university lecturer, 1.1.2010 – 31.8.2014; Unversity of Helsinki, professor 1.9.2014-


Secondary school graduate                                                             1978

Agronomist, Bachelor of Agriculture in production economics and

farm management                                                                          1984

M.Sc. in production economics and farm management                     1986

Lic.Sc. in production economics and farm management                    1992

PhD in agricultural economics                                                           2008

Docent in agricultural economics                                                      2010

Research assessment and awards

Doctoral dissertation passed with distinction, 2008.

Management Science Strategic Innovation Prize of the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO). 6.6.2004. (Kuosmanen, T., Cherchye, L. & Sipiläinen, T.) 

Second prize in the poster competition in the 6th  EWEPA (European Workshop in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis) workshop, Copenhagen, 1999.

Major research funding

University of Helsinki, researcher 1.8.1995-31.12.2002; Adaptation of Finnish agriculture in the EU-membership (financed by the Academy of Finland, researcher); Alternatives and choices of farmers in agriculture dominated regions (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, MAF, researcher); Optimal feeding and slaughtering of livestock (MAF, researcher); Competitiveness of grass silage production (MAF, researcher); Sustainable agriculture in Central and Eastern European countries (CEESA) (EU-project, researcher); Improving the performance of large farms in Finland (MAF, researcher).

MTT Economic Research, senior researcher, 1.1.2003 -2012

Competitiveness of dairy farming in Finland (International farm comparion network (IFCN), MAF, responsible; Risk and uncertainty in the evaluation of development opportunities (MAF, (IFCN) responsible; Frontiers of organic and conventional farming technologies – environmental efficiency, productivity and learning (MAF); Evaluation of performance of agriculture in Northern Europe (MAF, responsible researcher); Improving cost efficiency in dairy sector (MAF and Valio Oy, responsible  researcher); Sustainable value analysis of policy and performance in the agricultural sector (EU, researcher); LFA 2010; Support policies of less favourable regions (MAF, responsible); Economics, significance and prospects of the Finnish fur farming (MAF, STKL,   responsible); Competitiveness to dairy farming (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment, responsible researcher; 2010 -2012; Improving self-sufficiency in nitrogen and protein by efficient utilization of legumes, MoniPalko (MAF, Rehuraisio Oy, responsible researcher/researcher; 2009 - 2012); Productivity and competitiveness in the agri-food sector: Comparing Norway and Finland (Research Council of Norway, researcher; 2010 - 2012)

University of Helsinki 1.1.2010 -

Omavara - Kotimaisen valkuaisomavaraisuuden parantaminen   globaalimuutosten  paineessa; Improving the self-sufficiency in protein production  (MAF, resposible  researcher at UH; 2010 – 2014; Towards genetic improvement of feed efficiency in dairy cattle. Nordic feed efficiency project (MAF, responsible for economic analysis, 2013 –2016); Keste – Kasvinviljely- ja kotieläintilojen yhteistyö – avain tuotannon kestävään tehostamiseen; Co-operation between crop and animal farms – a key for sustainable    intensification (MAF, responsible for economic analysis, 2013 – 2015);Kotieläintalouden ja kasvinviljelyn yhteensovittaminen tilojen välisessä yhteistyössä; Vertical integration of animal and crop farms – the role of co-operation (MAF, responsible for part of the economic analysis, 2013 – 2015); Yhteistyöllä kilpailukykyä maidontuotantoon; Improving competitiveness of dairy farming through new organizational structures (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment, responsible researcher at UH, 2013 – 2015); Hyvä sato; The project of good yield – improving production processes of crop farming (responsible for the economic analysis, 2010 - 2015)


Activities in scientific community

 Referee for scientific journals:

Agricultural and Food Science; Energy Economics; Empirical Economics;                                           European Journal of Operational Research; European Review of Agricultural Economics;               Journal of Agricultural Economics; Journal of Productivity Analysis; Journal of Rural Economics;         Journal of Environmental Planning and Management; Journal of Environmental Management; International Journal of Production Economics; Land Use Policy; Sustanability



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