Projekt per år
Beskrivning (abstrakt)
Metals and xenobiotics.
Microbial bioavailability of metals and xenobiotics determines their biological effects. Bacterial bioreporters and biosensors developed by us are used in bioavailabity measurements in co-operation with different partners.
Endocrine disruptors.
There is an increasing public concern that chemicals in the environment affect human health by disrupting normal endocrine function, particularly through direct interaction with steroid hormone receptors. We have developed a set of yeast strains that can be used in assessing endocrine disruptive activity and the strains are now used in various projects with our collaborators.
Status | Pågående |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 01/01/2001 → … |
- 118 Biovetenskaper
- 219 Miljöbioteknologi
- 1 Aktiv
Genomics and metagenomics of bacterial antibiotic and metal resistance
Tamminen, M. (Deltagare), Karkman, A. (Deltagare), Pitkänen, L. (Deltagare), Muziasari, W. (Deltagare), Lyra, C. (Deltagare), Pärnänen, K. M. M. (Projektledare), Muurinen, J. (Projektledare), Hynninen, A. (Projektledare) & Virta, M. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/2005 → …
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
Comparison of Metals and Tetracycline as Selective Agents for Development of Tetracycline Resistant Bacterial Communities in Agricultural Soil
Song, J., Rensing, C., Holm, P. E., Virta, M. & Brandt, K. K., 7 mars 2017, I: Environmental Science & Technology. 51, 5, s. 3040-3047 8 s.Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Antibiootit, ihminen ja ympäristö
Virta, M., 2012, I: Ympäristö ja terveys. 43, 2, s. 58-60 3 s.Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Professionell
Fish farming affects the abundance and diversity of the mercury resistance gene merA in marine sediments
Pitkänen, L., Tamminen, M., Hynninen, A., Karkman, A., Corander, J., Kotilainen, A. & Virta, M., 2011, I: Microbes & Environments. 26, 3, s. 205-211Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review