
Beskrivning (abstrakt)

Preserving biodiversity is crucial for a sustainable future. The challenge is that nature is perceived as distinct from human beings and nature experiences are marginal, undermining the perception of biodiversity and understanding its significance. In this research project biodiversity education will be studied in the framework of science and sustainability education. The project will explore how knowledge, skills, and nature experiences are connected with observing and learning from biodiversity observations. Mixed-methods approach including eye-tracking will be used to explore how researchers, teachers and students observe and discuss about biodiversity and sustainability in various learning situations and environments, such as in gaming and citizen science. We will also investigate how learning-relevant observations are made in social interaction. and what kind of meanings the participants give to their learning experiences, biodiversity and sustainability.The project will provide new insights into the challenges of observational learning and develop teaching aiming to more comprehensive understanding and experience of biodiversity. The project also investigates the use of a learning game in species identification and ecology education.
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/201701/09/2023


  • 516 Pedagogik