Current status of teaching foreign languages in Finland

Projekt: Forskningsprojekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

The classroom reality of foreign languages in Finland has been studied quite little (e.g. Harjanne, Reunamo & Tella 2015; Harjanne, Díaz Larenas & Tella 2017). Our research thus provides important new insights into foreign language and second national language teaching, learning, and assessment practices in different parts of Finland. The results can be used to develop teaching, learning, and assessment practices in language teaching. Over the last twenty years, language choices in Finland have narrowed significantly, despite the fact that the need for language skills has not decreased. In recent years, many people have expressed concern about Finland's language reserve (Pyykkö 2017, Vaarala et al. 2021). It is therefore important to find out what foreign language teaching is actually like, what methods and ways of working are used and effective, and what challenges teachers face. The aim is also to identify possible reasons why foreign language learning has declined and provide solution to how it could be developed and made more attractive to pupils and students.
Gällande start-/slutdatum02/08/2021 → …