Beskrivning (abstrakt)
ECONOMICS OF HOUSING II - Studies on Finnish housing markets in transition
Leader: Professor Heikki A. Loikkanen (University of Helsinki)
Funding applied: 1 005 801 € , received 250 000 €
Person-years to be funded: 12,5
Funding period: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2011, later extended to 31.12.2012
Sites of the research: U. of Helsinki, U. of Joensuu, U. of Kuopio, U. of Oulu, Turku School of Econs., Gov. Inst. for Econ. Research, National Land Survey of Finland and Urban Facts, London School of Economics
We study housing markets in Finland with good data, modern methods and international collaboration. Some of our subprojects are related to the ongoing economic crisis and its housing market implications. Others are related to structural features (homeownersip, architecture, crime) or slow processes (aging, urbanization) and their housing market impacts. There are both empirical and theoretical studies. Out of nine subprojects, the first six represent post doctoral research aiming at articles in international journals and the last three aim at doctoral theses.
Subproject 1 (Essi Eerola & Teemu Lyytikäinen) studies the role of information in housing markets. PART I evaluates the impacts of a reform, which made all house prices publicly available. PART II develops theoretical models to study the effects of increased information. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 2 (Teemu Lyytikäinen) PART I studies how the elderly adjust their housing equity, consumption and spatial location within housing market areas. PART II addresses the linkage between housing policy instruments and residential mobility of the elderly. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 3 (Henrik Lönnqvist) studies urban housing price structures and their changes over time. Part I studies the role of accessibility and its changes for housing prices. Part II analyses the effects of economic fluctuations on local housing markets. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 4 (Elias Oikarinen) examines the interaction between housing prices, consumer confidence and household borrowing during economic crises of the Finnish economy with modern time series methods. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 5 (Risto Peltola) studies the (inadequate) supply of land for housing. Linkages between land and housing markets are examined based on extensive data. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 6 (Tuukka Saarimaa) Part I studies the housing price impacts of varying homeownership rates in neighborhoods of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA). Part II studies households' housing career plans and portfolio choices. Part III analyses the effects of neighborhood crime rates on house prices in the HMA. Aim: three articles.
Subproject 7 (Katri Hiltunen): Empirical and spatial (GIS) approach to housing markets studying dynamics of housing prices and location choices of households within Eastern Finland. Aim: dissertation.
Subproject 8 (Eugen Koev): Separation of the value of structure and land in houses is essential for urban policy planning and property taxation. The project examines theoretical foundations of proposed solutions, provides empirical results for Finland, and discusses their implications. Aim: dissertation.
Subproject 9 (Janne Pihlajaniemi and Henrik Lönnqvist) studies the role of architectural quality in housing markets by making qualitative and quantitative analyzes of dwellings and their prices in HMA. Aim: dissertation of Pihlajaniemi.
Earlier “Economics of Housing - Housing market effects of urban development, deregulation and tax reforms in Finland” project during 2005-7 aimed at three dissertations. By now, two (Lyytikäinen and Saarimaa) have attained this target. Topics in this application are new, but use partly same data and build on previous results. We have both previous and also new international collaborators.
Leader: Professor Heikki A. Loikkanen (University of Helsinki)
Funding applied: 1 005 801 € , received 250 000 €
Person-years to be funded: 12,5
Funding period: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2011, later extended to 31.12.2012
Sites of the research: U. of Helsinki, U. of Joensuu, U. of Kuopio, U. of Oulu, Turku School of Econs., Gov. Inst. for Econ. Research, National Land Survey of Finland and Urban Facts, London School of Economics
We study housing markets in Finland with good data, modern methods and international collaboration. Some of our subprojects are related to the ongoing economic crisis and its housing market implications. Others are related to structural features (homeownersip, architecture, crime) or slow processes (aging, urbanization) and their housing market impacts. There are both empirical and theoretical studies. Out of nine subprojects, the first six represent post doctoral research aiming at articles in international journals and the last three aim at doctoral theses.
Subproject 1 (Essi Eerola & Teemu Lyytikäinen) studies the role of information in housing markets. PART I evaluates the impacts of a reform, which made all house prices publicly available. PART II develops theoretical models to study the effects of increased information. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 2 (Teemu Lyytikäinen) PART I studies how the elderly adjust their housing equity, consumption and spatial location within housing market areas. PART II addresses the linkage between housing policy instruments and residential mobility of the elderly. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 3 (Henrik Lönnqvist) studies urban housing price structures and their changes over time. Part I studies the role of accessibility and its changes for housing prices. Part II analyses the effects of economic fluctuations on local housing markets. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 4 (Elias Oikarinen) examines the interaction between housing prices, consumer confidence and household borrowing during economic crises of the Finnish economy with modern time series methods. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 5 (Risto Peltola) studies the (inadequate) supply of land for housing. Linkages between land and housing markets are examined based on extensive data. Aim: two articles.
Subproject 6 (Tuukka Saarimaa) Part I studies the housing price impacts of varying homeownership rates in neighborhoods of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA). Part II studies households' housing career plans and portfolio choices. Part III analyses the effects of neighborhood crime rates on house prices in the HMA. Aim: three articles.
Subproject 7 (Katri Hiltunen): Empirical and spatial (GIS) approach to housing markets studying dynamics of housing prices and location choices of households within Eastern Finland. Aim: dissertation.
Subproject 8 (Eugen Koev): Separation of the value of structure and land in houses is essential for urban policy planning and property taxation. The project examines theoretical foundations of proposed solutions, provides empirical results for Finland, and discusses their implications. Aim: dissertation.
Subproject 9 (Janne Pihlajaniemi and Henrik Lönnqvist) studies the role of architectural quality in housing markets by making qualitative and quantitative analyzes of dwellings and their prices in HMA. Aim: dissertation of Pihlajaniemi.
Earlier “Economics of Housing - Housing market effects of urban development, deregulation and tax reforms in Finland” project during 2005-7 aimed at three dissertations. By now, two (Lyytikäinen and Saarimaa) have attained this target. Topics in this application are new, but use partly same data and build on previous results. We have both previous and also new international collaborators.
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 01/01/2010 → 31/12/2012 |
- 511 Nationalekonomi