Ecumenical Recognition and Toleration of Otherness

Projekt: Forskningsprojekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

Religious communities sometimes give recognition to one another or to other institutions, but frequently they refuse to give such recognition. It is far from clear, however, what an act of recognition really means. The present project addresses this issue through an analysis of existing discussions as well as through recourse to philosophical and social models of recognition. As such models are often used as basis for societal toleration and multicultural politics, the application of them to religious issues is highly relevant for the grand challenges regarding the dialogue of cultures. Although the project employs the expertise gained in the study of ecumenism, it also assumes that the traditional "search for unity" is insufficient in the attempt to formulate a successful practise of religious recognition.
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/09/201231/08/2016


  • SUOMEN AKATEMIA: 589 219,00 €


  • 614 Teologi