EPOS Implementation Phase

Projekt: Annan projekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

University of Helsinki is a member in WP Legal and Governance and WP3 National Harmonization, in EPOS-IP funded By H2020 and led By INGV, Rome, Italy.
In Earth science monitoring systems are distributed across Europe and the globe and measure the physico-chemical characteristics of the planet under different geological regimes. EPOS will bring together 24 European nations and combine
national Earth science facilities, the associated data and models together with the scientific expertise into one integrated delivery system for the solid Earth. This infrastructure will allow the Earth sciences to achieve a step change in our
understanding of the planet; it will enable us to prepare for geo-hazards and to responsibly manage the subsurface for infrastructure development, waste storage and the use of Earth’s resources.
With a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) to be located in Rome (Italy), EPOS will provide an opportunity for Europe to maintain world-leading European Earth sciences and will represent a model for pan-European federated infrastructure.
Kort titelEPOS-IP
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/10/201531/10/2018


  • 1171 Geovetenskaper