Projekt per år
Beskrivning (abstrakt)
The research project involves several language departments and research institutes in addition to the Department of Finnish Language and Literature; also involved are faculty from the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature, the Departments of English, the Department of Romance Languages, and the Department of General Linguistics from the Faculty of Humanities, and the Department of Speech Sciences and the Department of Applied Sciences of Education from the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences. The project also includes participants from the division of spoken language from the Research Institute for the Languages of Finland and from other universities within and outside of Finland.
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 01/01/2009 → 31/07/2013 |
- SUOMEN AKATEMIA: 800 000,00 €
- 1 Slutfört
Finnish Centre of Excellence in Research on Intersubjectivity in Interaction
Sorjonen, M.-L. (Principal Investigator), Peräkylä, A. (Principal Investigator), Laury, R. (Principal Investigator), Lindström, J. (Principal Investigator), Hirvonen, L. (Annan), Couper-Kuhlen, E. (Deltagare), Etelämäki, M. (Deltagare), Frick, M. (Deltagare), Haakana, M. (Deltagare), Hakulinen, A. (Deltagare), Harjunpää, K. (Deltagare), Henricson, S. (Deltagare), Henttonen, P. J. (Deltagare), Hilmisdottir, H. (Deltagare), Huhtamäki, M. (Deltagare), Härmä, V. (Deltagare), Kahri, M. (Deltagare), Karvonen, U. (Deltagare), Kaukomaa, T. (Deltagare), Koivisto, A. (Deltagare), Kurhila, S. (Deltagare), Laakso, M. S. M. (Deltagare), Lehti-Eklund, H. (Deltagare), Leskelä, L. (Deltagare), Lilja, N. (Deltagare), Lindholm, C. (Deltagare), Merke, S. (Deltagare), Niemi, J. (Deltagare), Niemi, L. (Deltagare), Pajo, K. (Deltagare), Rinkinen, N. (Deltagare), Rouhikoski, A. (Deltagare), Ruusuvuori, J. E. (Deltagare), Salmenlinna, I. (Deltagare), Salonsaari, M.-E. (Deltagare), Savijärvi, M. (Deltagare), Seppänen, E.-L. (Deltagare), Simonen, M. (Deltagare), Stevanovic, M. (Deltagare), Vatanen, A. (Deltagare), Weiste, E. (Deltagare), Vepsäläinen, H. (Deltagare), Visapää, L. (Deltagare), Voutilainen, L. (Deltagare), Valkeapää, T. (Deltagare), Raevaara, L. (Deltagare), Piippo, I. (Deltagare), Monzoni, C. (Deltagare), Härmävaara, H.-I. (Deltagare), Heinonen, P. (Deltagare), Voutilainen, E. (Deltagare), Auranne, T. (Deltagare), Koski, S. (Deltagare), Koskinen, E. (Deltagare), Heinemann, T. (Deltagare), Arminen, I. (Deltagare), Lepola, M. (Deltagare), Nurmikari, H. (Deltagare), Rauniomaa, M. (Deltagare), Ihalainen, L. (Deltagare), Rossi, G. (Deltagare), Malaska, J. (Deltagare) & Viitanen, M. (Deltagare)
01/01/2012 → 31/12/2017
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
- 1 Kapitel
Delayed completions of unfinished turns: On the phenomenon and its boundaries
Vatanen, A. M., juni 2017, Linking Clauses and Actions in Social Interaction. Laury, R., Etelämäki, M. & Couper-Kuhlen, E. (red.). Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 21 s.Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review