Helsinki Literature and the City Network

  • Ameel, Lieven (Deltagare)
  • Ahonen, Mirka (Deltagare)
  • Bottà, Giacomo (Deltagare)
  • Finch, Jason (Deltagare)
  • Frenzel, Sonja (Deltagare)
  • Havik, Klaske (Deltagare)
  • Klok, Janke (Deltagare)
  • Markowska, Martyna (Deltagare)
  • Pfeiffer, Katharina (Deltagare)
  • Verraest, Sofie (Deltagare)

    Projekt: Forskningsprojekt


    Beskrivning (abstrakt)

    The Helsinki Literature and the City Network provides an international network for scholars studying the city in literature.
    The main aims of the HLCN are to disseminate information related to contemporary research on the city in literature (new articles or monographs, cfp’s, upcoming conferences…), and to offer a forum through which people interested in the city in literature can meet.
    Gällande start-/slutdatum01/09/2011 → …