Improving access to FORest GENetic resources Information and services for end-USers

Projekt: EU Horizon Europe: Research and Innovation Actions (H2020-RIA)


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

The overall goal of FORGENIUS is to produce new high-throughput quantitative assessment of conserved Forest GenRes and make it accessible to end-users (GenRes managers and conservationists, primarily, and breeders involved in pre-breeding identification of useful GenRes and in advanced breeding programs involving under-utilised GenRes) by developing general standards, tools and services for a better characterization and management of the entire GCU collection.

Allmän beskrivning

The overall goal of FORGENIUS is to produce new high-throughput quantitative assessment of conserved Forest GenRes and make it accessible to end-users (GenRes managers and conservationists, primarily, and breeders involved in pre-breeding identification of useful GenRes and in advanced breeding programs involving under-utilised GenRes) by developing general standards, tools and services for a better characterization and management of the entire GCU collection.
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/202131/12/2025


  • European Commission: 123 888,12 €