Linked library data

  • Frosterus, Matias Mikael (Projektledare)
  • Kantanen, Minna Martta (Deltagare)
  • Saarikko, Jarmo (Deltagare)
  • Kourijoki, Alex Pekka Vilhelm (Deltagare)
  • Seppälä, Marja-Liisa (Deltagare)
  • Impivaara, Antti Lauri Kristian (Deltagare)

Projekt: Universitetens basfinansiering


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

The project includes the transition to the production of linked library data and the development of the activities as a whole. The focus is on the data model of Melinda and the bibliographic description within Melinda, as well as increasing the use of identifiers in description, including the development of the National Library identifier services and the Metadata Vocabulary in the Finto service. The project is mainly related to quality improvement and platform change of Melinda, in connection with the change of the internal information model (MARC 21 - > BIBFRAME). The project includes both technical development (development of integration, current applications and interfaces) and information modeling work, MARC 21 – BIBFRAME mapping work, staff training in the library network. We would use the experiences of the Swedish Kungliga Biblioteket, which has had a similar project in connection with the transition to Libris XL.

Allmän beskrivning

The national metadata repository Melinda, will be moving to use a new linked data data model in bibliographic description. For this, a new Bibframe-based data model will be produced. For the conversion of the Melinda metadata, conversion rules and a conversion program will be prepared. The bibliographic content description staff will be trained in the use of linked data and the new data model.

Viktiga resultat

The linked library data data model of the national metadata repository Melinda based on BIBFRAME. Unification of Melinda's current data to support the format change has started. By the end of 2024, the conversion to the new information model will be prepared. The Metadata Vocabulary is developed to meet the requirements of the new data model. Library network training and guidelines for the new linked data model in bibliographic description.
Kort titelLLD
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/202231/12/2024


  • 113 Data- och informationsvetenskap