Nordic Crop Wild Relatives – conservation for a more resilient Nordic agriculture

  • Fitzgerald, Heli (Deltagare)
  • Hyvärinen, Marko (Deltagare)
  • Palme, Anna (Projektledare)
  • Weibull, Jens (Projektledare)
  • Kiviharju, Elina (Deltagare)
  • Hagenblad, Jenny (Deltagare)
  • Lund, Birgitte (Deltagare)
  • Þorbjörnsson, Hjörtur (Deltagare)
  • Endresen, Dag (Deltagare)
  • Bjureke, Kristina (Deltagare)
  • Rasmussen, Morten (Deltagare)
  • Lanqvist, Sara (Deltagare)

Projekt: Annan projekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

Nordic networking project for CWR conservation

Allmän beskrivning

The long-term aim:
The long-term aims of this project is to contribute to a more resilient Nordic agriculture by conserving the raw material (genetic resources) needed for adaptation of agricultural plants to climate change, including extreme weather events. The network aims to achieve Nordic synergy in the field of crop wild relative conservation and sustainable use, and to facilitate Nordic cooperation on this topic.

Expected outcomes:
A travelling exhibition and information folder, stakeholder meeting, project meetings, updates of the Nordic CWR homepage including plant portraits, strengthening the existing Nordic CWR network
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/03/202030/06/2022