Online resources for Chemical Safety in Science Education​

Projekt: Annan projekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

The aim of the present project is to achieve condensed, up-to date, basic online resources about how to manage school chemicals in European schools. This could potentially lead to some kind of consensus and start a more active discussion about these issues. The aim of the project is also to develop materials and guidelines for teachers to encourage optimization of school experimental work by the application of green chemistry principles. Thus, the following possibilities for optimization of school experimental work would especially be encouraged whenever possible: ​

(1) the use of safe, environmentally benign substances, including solvents; ​
(2) the use of renewable materials and energy sources; ​
(3) the design of energy efficient processes; and ​
(4) preventing waste rather than treating or cleaning up waste after it is created. ​

A desired long-term goal is that teachers feel competent and safe when handling chemicals and managing school laboratories. ​

The main target groups are science teachers, head of schools and science teacher educators. However, the intellectual outputs can also be useful for national and regional agencies for education, work environment and chemistry, who support and control the use of chemicals in schools.
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/09/202031/08/2023


  • European Council and European Union: 324 685,00 €


  • 116 Kemi