Prosperous Forest – Diversification through Inclusion and Specialization

Projekt: Annan projekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

The cross-border project aims to enhance the forest-based value chains by increasing the understanding on the forest owners’ decision making process and improving the communication between different actors such as forest owners, advisors and forest-based companies.

The project’s activities form the following entities:
1) developing new, piloted tools and service concepts for small and medium-sized forest-based service companies in order to strengthen their competitiveness and innovativeness.
2) providing the companies new knowledge and expertise on how to build business relationships with forest owners who lack or have a weak relation to their forest ownership and forest management at present.
3) improving gender perspective in forest-based services.

Funder: Interreg Bothnia-Atlantica 2014-2020 –programme (logo ohessa)
Project co-ordinator: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SWE)
Other partners: University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute (FI), Finnish Forest Centre/Western Service Area (FI) and The Swedish Forestry Agency (SWE)
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/08/201831/07/2021