R&D program for meta-research on WEPs (Wild Edible Plants)

Projekt: Forskningsprojekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

I created this group on January 1, 2016. My sister died because of Alzheimer’s disease in 2015. I want to avoid her terrible fate. I had read that WEPs contain substances that promote health and longevity and prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. In this group, I will test this hypothesis. My meta-research is secondary research about primary research on WEPs.

Allmän beskrivning

I created this group on January 1, 2016. My sister died because of Alzheimer’s disease in 2015. I want to avoid her terrible fate. I had read that WEPs contain substances that promote health and longevity and prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. In this group, I will test this hypothesis. My meta-research is secondary research about primary research on WEPs.

Viktiga resultat

Four books, two peer-reviewed research articles, and a preprint: Åhlberg 2019, Åhlberg 2020a, Åhlberg 2020b, Åhlberg 2022, Åhlberg 2021, Åhlberg 2022b, and Åhlberg 2025. Preprint of The number of health-promoting substances found in all edible vascular plants and species-specific health-promoting substances in five wild edible plants.
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/2016 → …