Reconfiguring Privacy – A Study of the Political Foundations of Privacy Regulation

Projekt: Helsingfors Universitetets treåriga forskningsprojekt


Allmän beskrivning

In addition to providing a better understanding of the legal definition of privacy, the project aims to reveal politically charged conceptions of privacy. Privacy and personal data protection are issues where constant political, economic and moral battles are being fought. Strong interests are displayed by industry lobbyists and human rights activists alike. Increased protection of privacy is today a value worth fighting for, and against. This research project engages in a critical deconstruction of the principles of privacy protection as they appear in law. This way, it will be able to provide a better understanding of the sociological and political underpinnings of privacy regulation.
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/201731/12/2019


  • Suomen Akatemia: 449 724,00 €


  • 513 Juridik