Projekt per år
Beskrivning (abstrakt)
Research objectives
- The purpose of the project is to establish a bank of Finnish terminology for all disciplines of arts and sciences that are practiced in Finland. For this purpose, a survey of the existing Finnish language terminologies available for scholarly and academic practice will be carried out and set in the context of internationally established terminology work and concept formation. As the end product, the bank will consist of a multilingual extensive terminology freely available to all researchers.
- A well-developed virtual research infrastructure of Finnish scholarly terms is a necessary prerequisite of successful communication in an information society, and highly relevant in societal interaction between researchers and citizens in Finland. At best, it will be of international relevance through uniting the European language communities.
Research methods and material
- Creating the terminological data bank for research activities implies the collecting, organizing and further development of the terminologies that already exist in different forms and locations in Finland. The project is initiated with a questionnaire addressed to the member societies of the FFLS. As the next step, a pilot project will be launched on the fields of linguistics, botany, and jurisprudence. During the five year period, as many of the terminologies from the member societies as possible will be collected and made publicly available in the FFLS server according to the principle of open access. The work will be
carried out by one doctoral student and one post-doctoral researcher recruited from Finnish language students in UH for the whole five year period, in collaboration with the member societies of the FFLS, the experts of terminology in the RILF, and with specialists in information technology.
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 03/01/2011 → 31/12/2015 |
- Koneen Säätiö
- 6121 Språkvetenskaper
HTB Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences
Onikki-Rantajääskö, T. (Chef), Kanner, A. O. (Operatör), Laxström, N. M. (Operatör), Enqvist, E. J. (Annat) & Kettunen, H. (Annat)
Finskugriska och nordiska avdelningenUtrustning/facilitet: Database
- 1 Slutfört
Bank of Finnish Terminology in Arts and Sciences: Botany
Rikkinen, J. (Deltagare), Enroth, J. (Deltagare), Fagerstedt, K. (Deltagare), Piirainen, M. (Deltagare), Väre, H. (Deltagare) & Pitkänen-Heikkilä, K. (Annan)
03/01/2011 → 31/12/2015
Projekt: Forskningsprojekt
- 2 Artikel
Joukkoistamisen haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia Tieteen termipankin wikitalkoissa
Onikki-Rantajääskö, T. A. & Pitkänen-Heikkilä, T. K., 2015, I: Tieteessä tapahtuu. 33, 6, s. 14-19 6 s.Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig
Tieteen termipankki tarvitsee kasviharrastajia
Pitkänen-Heikkilä, T. K. & Salo, H. V., 2015, I: Lutukka. 2015, 2, s. 45–48 4 s.Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig
The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences
Onikki-Rantajääskö, T. (Skapad av), Laitinen, L. (Skapad av), Kanner, A. (Skapad av), Pitkänen-Heikkilä, K. (Skapad av), Laxström, N. (Skapad av) & Siiroinen, M. (!!Data Manager), University of Helsinki, 1 jan. 2012
The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (Extern organisation)
Onikki-Rantajääskö, T. (Medlem) & Enqvist, J. (Medlem)
3 sep. 2019 → …Aktivitet: Medlemskapstyper › Medlemskap eller annan roll i inhemskt/internationellt offentligt organ
Meeting with the teachers of Finnish language and literature in Helsinki region
Onikki-Rantajääskö, T. (Lärare)
16 nov. 2017Aktivitet: Andra aktivitetstyper › Typer av övriga aktiviteter - Övrigt
Crossing Borders - Terminological Resources and Open Science
Pitkänen-Heikkilä, K. (Talare: Presentation)
29 okt. 2015Aktivitet: Typer för deltagande i eller organisering av evenemang › Arrangemang av och deltagande i konferens/workshop/kurs/seminarium
Radio interview in the program Aristoteleen kantapää
1 Mediabidrag
Press/media: !!Press / Media
Blog of The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences
1 Mediabidrag
Press/media: !!Press / Media