The Development of National Security in Russia and Finland's choices

    Projekt: Forskningsprojekt


    Beskrivning (abstrakt)

    The project Venäjän kansallisen turvallisuuden kehitystrendit ja Suomen valinnat (The Development of National Security in Russia and Finland´s Choices) by Anna-Liisa Heusala, Emilia Pyykönen and Markku Kivinen builds a comprehensive picture of Russia´s security policy developments and their significance for Finland. The first part of the project consists of a meta-analysis of Finnish peer-reviewed academic research in 2011-2015 pertaining to Russian security policy. Based on the analysis of 461 publications, the report offers recommendations for the development of Russian security policy studies in Finland. The second part of the project looks at key developments in Russia´s defence policy, defence economy, internal and foreign policy. Based on a selection of versatile research materials, including two international expert workshops, the final report examines Russia´s security policy goals, resources and ability to carry out its goals. The report provides recommendations concerning Finland´s own security policy choices. The report is published in the Prime Minister´s Office publication series.
    Gällande start-/slutdatum01/03/201631/08/2016


    • The Prime Minister´s Office: 89 918,00 €


    • 517 Statsvetenskap