The influence of forest management on microclimatic heterogeneity - implications for ecosystem resilience

Projekt: Forskningsprojekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

Forests play a central role in the economy, biodiversity and human wellbeing. In a near future, forests will have a key role in buffering negative impacts of global warming. However, the effects of forest management in controlling microclimate and climate change buffering are not fully understood. Whereas carbon sequestration approaches have been extensively studied, the impacts of different forest management practices in buffering macroclimate variability and regulating microclimate are largely unknown. In this project, the doctoral candidate will test the hypothesis that forest management is an important factor regulating microclimatic conditions. The project will further evaluate whether forest management can be optimized to maximize the benefits of forest in maintaining ecological niches and ecosystem services. Experimental sites will be established in Finland and Scotland, over a gradient of different forest management practices. The analyses will apply advanced remote sensing data, such as terrestrial laser scanning, national-wide airborne laser scanning surveys, extensive microclimatic observations, state-of-the-art climate simulations in combination with modern modelling approaches. It is expected that the outcomes of this study will contribute for protecting biodiversity, improving the competitiveness of the forestry sector and promoting the preservation of recreational areas.
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/202131/12/2024