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Projekt: Forskningsprojekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

Copassion studies compassion in business: how does compassion affect our well-being and business productivity? CoPassion has received an over million euro funding from Tekes (The Finnish funding agency for technology and innovation) to develop and study the effects of compassion interventions in organizations. We are the first ones to study this in Finland as well as among the first ones in the world. CoPassion is a pioneering, wide-ranging, multidisciplinary and internationally aided research project.
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/201530/06/2017


  • Filosofian akatemia Oy: 55 000,00 €
  • Conbalance Oy: 10 000,00 €
  • Suomen kansallisgalleria (ent. Valtion taidemuseo): 20 000,00 €
  • MTV Oy: 10 000,00 €
  • Devoi Oy: 10 000,00 €
  • Espoon kaupunki: 15 000,00 €
  • LähiTapiola Keskinäinen vakuutusyhtiö: 35 000,00 €
  • Abbedissa Network Oy: 4 000,00 €
  • Onesto Services Oy: 5 000,00 €
  • Human Advice Oy: 1 500,00 €
  • Tekes: 1 098 000,00 €