TreAting contamination through NanoremedIAtion

Projekt: Forskningsprojekt


Beskrivning (abstrakt)

InterReg Europe -project. TANIA (TreAting contamination through NanoremedIAtion) funded with 1.2 million Euros by Interreg EU promotes the use of novel remediation technologies that have been or are being developed at five collaborating TANIA regions in Europe: University of Helsinki, University of Lorraine and other collaborating institutions in Greece, Hungary and Italy.
New nanotech materials could be used to treat chemical-contaminated soils on the spot instead of transporting the soil elsewhere. Traditional “remove and treat” remediation methods are effective at removing most forms of contamination, but are often far too costly, both in terms of financial and ecological impact. Nanoremediation is a low-cost and effective technique for pollution cleanup but effective uptake is limited by technological novelty and the governance model.
TANIA is based on interregional exchange and participation of stakeholders from environmental and innovation fields. Regions compare different experiences on techniques to remediation, innovation in environmental protection and governance. TANIA promotes long-term, sustainable regional development and competitiveness and creates new business opportunities for enterprises focusing on nanoremediation products and services.
In Finland TANIA partners are University of Helsinki and Päijät-Hämeen Regional Council. Find out more about TANIA:
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/01/201731/12/2021


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